Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Slowing Down

It has been a long time since I posted regularly. Life has been hectic with my current job, but things are finally toning down. I have two people at work assisting me. Neither are with me all the time, but having each there at least a portion of the day has been a huge help. I no longer have to stop in the middle of what I am doing to deliver paperwork to another building.

I will be starting a new class at the University of Phoenix in November. I have put off school for work long enough. I have given a lot to keep the schools flowing at the battalion. It is time to take some back for myself. I no longer arrive at work early nor stay late. I will be using the full lunch time to read through my text book so that I can get to the homework when I arrive home. I am even taking a full hour for breakfast and bring my scriptures along to read in order to start the day out right.

Still no firm word on changing MOS. I will just have to wait to see what the army can offer.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shifting Gears

Work is still crazy busy. I do not know how I am expected to complete all the tasks that my job requires without an assistant. There has been talk of getting me a partner, but no one has materialized yet. I think that when it comes time for me to leave this job there will be a rude awakening for the battalion leadership. I doubt that the next NCO to fulfill this duty will put in an many hours as I do. The ball is going to get dropped big time.

I found out a few days ago that the public affairs job I was so excited for during the past year is not a possibility. Even though the job is still offered there are no more seats in the class for the entire fiscal year. I have a limited time in which I can reenlist, so waiting out the year for a seat to open or hoping for next year is not an option. I will be investigating what few other options there are for me. I know that I want to stay in the army for the next ten years to reach retirement, but I need to leave the army will a skill that will be applicable in my next career.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bigger and Better Things

I am tired of getting the short end of the stick at work. On Saturday I finally made time to spend with the family and we went up to Denver so that Tricia could see some of the young dancers she has been teaching compete. I took Jeffrey to a near by lake to spend some time with him when I received a phone call from work telling me I needed to come to FT Carson in uniform so that I could spend the next 20 hours guarding a bunch of tents that had been set up in a training area. I then spent six hours of General Conference Sunday at work completing an online training course to qualify me to fulfill yet another responsibility.

I had planned on awaking early this morning to go into work early and getting a jump on things. Instead I slept in through PT time and did not leave the house until I had a good breakfast and cleaned out the master bathroom. I have been doing so much at work that by the time I do get home I am exhausted and do not have sufficient time to contribute at home in a meaningful way. No more. I know I have a big job and it will require some out of the ordinary hours, but I am done bending over backward to assist people who continuously bring late work to me.

Now that October is here I have put in my request to attend 46Q Public Affairs training. I should hear back from the retention NCO within the next 10 working days on a school date. I am ready to leave behind this schools job and move onto bigger and better things.