Saturday, March 19, 2011

There's no such thing as GREEN waffles!

I love holidays! I love decorating for them, having fun celebrations and traditions. One thing I've learned, Cory's on board with everything except GREEN Eggs! Actually he was just a little shocked when I presented this as our St. Patrick's Day Eve dinner. Food coloring much? It was all in good fun and was fun. We ate it the night before because I had several dance shows including a late night one on St. Patty's day. My friend made rainbow waffles and everything had a "Lucky" theme and it was even cuter! So next year maybe we'll go for that!

Pam's Visit

Pam and her two kiddos came for a visit last month. She had to drive her car behind mine and since this was her first roadtrip alone she was a little nervous. The blowing snow in Wyoming didn't help either. It took us a while to get back and Jeffrey kept telling her (over the phone) that it would be ok and she should be brave. Things I know he's heard me say to him before. Jeffrey LOVES Liam and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. They would watch episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse together on Pam's phone.
 We found a game we had thought was long gone, Kabookii for the wii. It's like cranium except on the tv. Pam and Elena won!
 We went to visit the Miramont Castle in Manitou Springs when we discovered that the cliff dwellings (something we had promised Elena could see) was closed during the week.

 Stopping for lunch with all the kiddos was always a good time. Notice Liam scooting his highchair away from the table in the picture above.

 We went to the Denver Mint where we learned how they make coins. The kids were pretty well behaved considering it was so early in the morning and they couldn't touch anything!
 Elena came with me to dance class where I teach the baby dancers (3-5 yrs) and did such a great job. That girl has some natural talent for dance.
 The Manitou Cliff Dwellings...which I learned were not originally lived in here, it was moved here to protect it from looters and the elements.

 Love my sis!
 Dinner at Cici's Pizza. Kiddos were free! My favorite price!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Only Way I Can Catch Up...

Anyone with a child knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep an "up-to-date" scrapbook. Anyone with a husband with a talent for photography knows they will have HUNDREDS of pictures that they want to keep around. My solution? I've become a digital scrapbooker. I swore I never would, but I don't have the time or the energy to drag all my supplies out and settle on a theme and then crop and stamp and glue to my heart's content. I haven't tried any but the Stampin' Up! program (My Digital Studio) but I love it and it's finally given me a sense of accomplishment. I don't even have to worry about printing my own pages out. I just upload them and send them on their merry way. A few days later they arrive on my porch and I slap them in a book and consider myself accomplished! Some of these pictures are older, but I hope you enjoy the peek into our lives!