Monday, June 24, 2013

37 Weeks

This little cutie is growing up very quickly! She is jabbering all the time and wants to stand up and walk along every piece of furniture we own.

Jeffrey has been doing really well in his swim lessons this year. In the first week he has already advanced to level 3! We spent all of last summer at level 2 so this is great news!
We had so much fun with Paige and her girls and Sugar this last week. They stopped on their way to Utah for the summer. We had fun and played all day. Sweet little B even went to nursery yesterday with Uncle Cory (who was helping out the last few weeks). We will miss them but look forward to seeing everyone for a few days in July!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

36 Weeks Old

 36 Weeks old and went to the discovery center splash park this week. She LOVED it! She kept trying to catch the water that was squirting up from the fountain. She also has a runny nose so she's a little rudolphy at the moment.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

35 Weeks Old and First few weeks of Summer

Agnes is 35 Weeks old this week and quite an adorable little lady. She chatters all the time and crawls wherever she wants and puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. She loves swinging at the park and has started putting herself to sleep for her naps and bedtime. It is so nice!

Jeffrey is doing lots to keep busy with school out. We signed up for the library's reading club and Jeffrey earned his first prize this week for reading 250 minutes. He got a dinosaur toy and is very motivated because the last prize is a free doughnut and that is his FAVORITE treat! He is also very into science. This is an experiment he learned from Bill Nye and he was demonstrating it for everyone this week.