How sweet is that last picture? He was crazy all over the place while I was trying to get a good photo of him and then suddenly he just laid his head down like he was so tired and ready to fall asleep for a nap that second!
11 months was a big one for Joe! He began to clap his hands, sometimes wave "hi", and his first two bottom teeth FINALLY came through (I felt like he had been teething forever and there were many times I thought for sure they'd make their grand appearance but not until now!) He recently started to stand in his crib and bang on the wall when he's woken up from a nap and exactly on his 11 month mark he climbed our stairs for the first time!
We started referring to Jordan as "the destroyer". He leaves trails of everywhere he has been and he can demolish anything Eleanor has set up to play with in 2 seconds flat. He thinks the kitchen is his playroom and loves getting into cupboards and pulling out whatever he can get his hands on.
Jordan still loves eating solid foods and gets angry if you eat in front of him without sharing. He still will refuse any bottle or sippy and takes his acid reflux medicine twice a day.
I still need to post pictures from our wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and I kind of slacked on taking pictures in between then and Christmas (could've been the fact I baked over 700 cookies in that time - I started a cookie business. I should probably document that on here as well for memory sakes). However, here are some pictures from my phone of Christmas...
Sweet Eleanor Rae and Jordan Brett before church Christmas Sunday. Having kids makes Christmas SO much fun. Sam and I wanted to do everything we could to celebrate the season. It is especially fun as Eleanor gets to understand more of what is going on. Sam and I talk all the time about how blessed we are and how amazing our two kids are. Christmas this year really had me reflecting on my blessings and these two kids a lot. I sure love them with all of my heart.
The "real life" picture...
Family Selfie
Christmas Sunday was the annual Winn Family Christmas party. Every year Santa makes an appearance at the party and calls the children up by name. Jordan did just fine sitting on Santa's lap, but was not willing to give up his carrot and hold onto the candy cane Santa was trying to give him. Eleanor stayed true to her top Christmas wish all season long and asked Santa for some legos.
Christmas morning! Eleanor was thrilled looking through her stocking.. She took forever going through each thing and showing it to us. After all the gifts were unwrapped the first thing she wanted opened was her chips and candy! ha
I think Jordan enjoyed his first Christmas! This tractor/train set was his main gift and he had a lot of fun climbing around it and moving all the trucks and boulders around.
My boy loves anything with wheels!
After opening all of our gifts and letting the kids play around for a little bit we went over to G's house and made ebelskivers and bacon for breakfast. We spent the afternoon at home and later in the evening went over to Sam's cousin Lou's house for more food and family time. It was a wonderful Christmas. Most of all, it was great to spend it with my love by my side! (Eleanor took this photo of us!)