Sammy got an internship with Tucson Electric Power for the summer. He's excited about it and we are so grateful for this opportunity as it will really help him with future opportunities and to prepare for the "real world".
When we found out we'd be for sure moving to Tucson, I gave my work my "2 weeks" notice. The day after I broke the news to my manager I was told that I might not have to quit and they were willing to make it possible for me to keep my job and just work from home for the summer so I can return in August. Blessing? Yes. The more things that fell into place the more grateful I am that my job made this exception for me.
I failed at taking pictures on Easter, which I'm pretty bummed about (especially because Sam looked mighty fine in his new suit!). Easter was extra special this year because my dad was released as Stake President so I got to hear both he and my mom share their testimonies during stake conference. My dad shared a little story of a conversation he and my mom had about going on their mission that really touched me. Since I don't keep a journal, I wanted to write it on here so I could remember it...
On the day it was obvious to my dad and mom that they were going to be called on a mission soon and that my dad would be the mission president, my dad jotted down on a paper what this meant for them financially. After looking at the numbers he knew this wasn't a financial decision, rather a decision of faith. That night he and my mom were talking about the whole situation and sacrifices and my mom said to him, "If the only legacy we leave our children and grandchildren is that when everything was going really well for Mom and Dad they gave up everything to go serve people in another country and another language, who wouldn't be able to pay them back, then that legacy was a good enough reason to do it".
Can't ponder too long on that or else I'll keep crying.
Sorry no pictures, mainly just a journal entry here. However, Carrie Underwood recently sang "How Great Thou Art" again and I get chills every time I hear her sing this song. In honor of Easter I'd love to share: