Friday, May 28, 2010

Spring & the Prom just go together

Hello prim friends~ I hope this post finds you all doing well and enjoying some beautiful spring weather where ever you are. Here in Maine we've had some unseasonably warm and humid temperatures but we're back to normal for now.

As many of you may or may not know, my son Christopher is gradutating this year. We've been busy as bees preparing the flower gardens getting ready for his graduation party. I sure hope the weather cooperates so we can enjoy the gathering of friends and family outside.

They just had their senior prom and I must say that everyone was dressed to their very best! We went to a local garden spot at Pineland Farms that is perfect for photographing just about any event. This is where I always take the kids for their school pictures as well, as there's many photographic locations.

Here's my son and his pretty date, Eliza.

It's funny how all the girls get into having their pictures taken...

While the boys are just waiting for the girls to get done posing.

They would have nothing to do with the posing part.
I thought this picture was another sweet contrast between the boys and the girls.

After the kids all left the garden to go to the prom, my sweetie and I walked around the garden and enjoyed the beauty and serenity of this wonderful little patch of land. None of the other parents hung around so it was just the two of us. Very relaxing and enjoyable!
Wouldn't you love to sit a while in those Adirondak chairs?

Spring abounds everywhere you look.

This is the fountain which is the center of the garden.

There is color in this garden all throughout the spring, summer and fall.

This section is filled with herbs while there is an area for fruit and vegetables as well.

While we were walking around the garden, this young robin seemed to be following us. He went from tree to tree where ever we were.

I'll be sharing pictures in a few days of some of our gardening projects and changes going on inside our home in preparation for graduation. We're going with a red, white and blue theme since our son's high school mascot is the Patriots and those are their colors. Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting. I enjoy reading all of your comments so please keep 'em coming! Have a safe and blessed Memorial weekend!

Hugs to you~ Birgit

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Catching Up On Happenings

Hello friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day filled with many blessings. Mine was very nice and relaxing. We visited both my mom and my sweetie's mom and brought them some potted flowers that I put together for them. My kids were so thoughtful but full of anticipation. They couldn't wait till Mother's Day to give me their heartfelt gifts so they gave them to me on Wednesday evening. LOL! I just love how excited they get to give a gift. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Having more joy in giving than in recieving. It does my heart good to know that they both feel that way. Amanda gave me two pretty flowering succulant plants that I will try very hard not to kill. One was a kalanchoe which has pretty little yellow flowers and the other is an echerieria (sp?) that also has lovely yellow/orange flowers on it. I've taken pictures of them before they meet their sure demise from my semi-brown thumb (especially when it comes to growing succulants).

Christopher gave me a planter to plant strawberries in. We all just love strawberries, so we went on Sunday and bought 36 strawberry plants! Amanda then surprised me with yet another thoughtful gift on Mother's Day! She picked out a wonderful distressed frame and put a picture of her and Christopher together in it. I just love the thoughtfulness of my kids. The best gift of all is knowing that they have a heart for the Lord, each other and family. For that alone, I am truly blessed!

I finished up work last week. Thursday was the last day for all us seasonal help. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine at home, doing crafts, painting projects and planning Christopher's graduation party which is approaching very quickly. I've been enjoying the early spring weather outside in the flower gardens however, it's been very cool and heavy frosts in the morning lately. This morning we awoke to a very heavy frost on all the flowers but after inspection this afternoon, they all look like they fared well. This is a picture of the wooden carrier I had gotten at the yard sale I went to a few weeks ago.

It's usually outside but I brought it in a couple nights ago because the temps have been getting down into the low 20's. It's just now starting to bloom and is back outside beckoning warm weather to return and stay for the summer.

Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to take advantage of the wonderful offer I was made for the old commode. We did end up getting it and I just love it!! It is so time worn and it fits perfectly in our living room.

I also found this bread box a while back at GW that I gave a little face-lift to.

I forgot to take a real "before" picture. This is after I sanded off the sunflowers that were painted on it. Here is the "after" picture.

Sorry it's not a great picture. I should have put on the flash I guess. It's painted Salem Brick Red. It really looks much better in person and I'm glad to finally have a place to hide the bread that was always on top of our toaster and counter.
Here's a couple more pictures of some tweaking I did on the kitchen counters. The black caddy holds all our silverware.

Someday I hope to have one of those wooden counter cupboards to hide the microwave in. My sweetie does NOT want one because he already hates to move stuff just to get to an outlet in our kitchen. My sweetie just doesn't get it, that it's all about the look and not funtionality. hehe!

Here's a couple of crafty little things I picked up in Massachusetts a few weeks ago. It's a little early for 4th of July decorating but I thought I'd share them with you now. You'll probably see them again when I decorate for summer.

If you're looking for an easy Americana project, this is a great idea. They took a simple cow-pot and dipped it in wax then simply added some sweet annie, straw and wrapped a mini American flag around the front and tied it with raffia. Isn't it simple and oh so cute!

This hanging basket is done in a very similar fashion without the wax dip. Cute! Cute!
Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Not much exciting in this girls life but I'm happy leading a simple life. Until next time, thanks so much for stopping by and visiting. Thanks also to all my new followers. Wow! What a surprise when I came on and found so many new friends. I hope you'll all leave a comment. I'm guessing it must be almost time for a giveaway to celebrate summer and all my new friends. Hugs & blessings to you all~ Birgit