Showing posts with label smiling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smiling. Show all posts

Happy and Healthy!

Pickle is 26 months, and growing like crazy! He LOVES eating his food with "dip-dip"...usually bbq sauce or ketchup, which he also enjoys smearing all over his face in the process! Some days, a wipee will do the job, but others, it's straight to the bath from the high chair! Bath-time is a favorite, so I think sometimes, he makes a mess of himself so he can go play in the water!
SugarPlum is eating solids, as well as SOME baby food (the leftovers in our pantry), along with breastfeeding! She loves meat, fruits, and BROCCOLI!!! She is seen here, wearing Carrots! This was taken in between her taking bites, and trying to lick her carrots off the bib! She is already 8 months old...hard to believe, just 4 months from now, she will be 1 year old! WHERE has the time gone!?! Read more...

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