I have never really decorated for holidays besides Christmas. I really only have seasonal decorations. This year I was determined to have some Halloween decorations. So I started cruising some home decor blogs, and found this idea.
Then I was off to DI to find a cheap, yet suitable for my needs picture and frame. I finally found one for $15 on my 3rd trip to DI. YEAH! The picture was some hideous modern thing I was happy to cover with tinfoil. So I spray painted the frame black (gloss), and cut my tinfoil squares. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to hang in front of it, until I found a grapevine wreath on sale at Robert's. I spray painted that black (flat) too. I hung it from some silver/grey and black striped ribbon I already had from something or other. Then I found some black birds at the dollar store. I put one inside the wreath and strung cobwebs and put plastic spiders on it.
When my ward had their Super Saturday activity I signed up to make the "spooky" blocks. (On the reverse side it says "thanks".) However that night I also helped with a holiday treat demonstration, so I didn't have much time to get my blocks done. I had only painted them. I finally decided to do them in all black and white/tan. I think they turned out awesome.
I knew I wanted some candlesticks with taper candles, but I couldn't find what I wanted. I finally found some crystal candlesticks at Walmart for $4. I bet you can guess what I did next. Yep! I spray painted them black (gloss). I bought some red candles and spray painted them black (flat) too. Then when I burned the candles, it looked like they were "bleeding". Kind of morbid, I know. But I thought my mantle looked great for Halloween.
Crystal, Gracie, and Stephen in front of my "Spooky" Halloween-ly Decorated mantle.
We also carved pumpkins. Kate liked digging the "guts" out with her hands.
Andie prefered a spoon. The girls divided out the pumpkin seeds and we roasted them. The girls didn't know if they would like them, but they did.
Andie had said all along that she was going to be Minnie Mouse again this year, but 2 days before her preschool party she decided she wanted to be a bunny. I told her that would mean she would have to dress all in pink. She consented, and we found a set with bunny ears, bow tie, and a tail. She was the cutest bunny ever.
Kate wanted to be a witch, and I had intentions of making her a witch tutu, but I got sick and ran out of time. Luckily Angie let me borrow a darling witch costume. Kate loved it.
And she was the cutest witch I've ever seen!
The girls were so ready to go trick-or-treating, it was like they were already on a sugar high. And trying to get them to calm down, was almost impossible.
Luckily Rob took them out, and I stayed home and handed out candy.
Good for me because it was cold and rainy, and I still wasn't feeling great.
Ready to go, with whiskers and a nose.
Friday night, Rob and I were invited to a costume party. We weren't sure what to dress up as, but I came up with this.
Juno & Paulie Bleeker
Kate took this picture with my phone, so it's not the best.
Someone took some at the party, so hopefully I'll get a copy.