
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Beckham's Birth Story

On Thursday morning, June 23rd, the same day as Nick's and my ninth wedding anniversary, we were scheduled to check into the hospital at 7:00 a.m. to have our third son. 
I slept surprisingly pretty well the night before, except for a trip to the bathroom and one bout of contractions at 1:00 a.m. Our alarm was set to go off at 5:45, but around 5:00 I woke up filled with excitement and anxiety and knew there was no way I was going back to sleep. I fixed myself a cup of tea and enjoyed my daily devotional in my office. It was such a calm, peaceful way to start a day with so much to be thankful for.
Teri came to our house to stay with the boys until they woke up, and Nick and I got checked in and settled in our hospital room about 7:15.
All I could think was, this is my last time to do this! I can't believe I'm going to have a baby in THIS room TODAY! We met our nurse Kim who I instantly loved, had blood drawn, monitors attached and the IV put in place. Dr. Snead showed up a little after 9:00 to break my water. At that point I was still 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Having my water broken was uncomfortable, but not too painful. Once it was done Dr. Snead and Kim said, "Okay! There's no turning back now! We're having a baby!" With Logan Dr. Snead broke my water and I remember lots and lots of fluid and feeling very uncomfortable afterwards, but it wasn't bad at all this time around. Dr. Snead also agreed I could have intermittent monitoring (which means I could be unhooked from everything 40 mins. out of every hour so I could walk around and what not). I had the same thing with Everett, and I think that makes a big difference early on.

Jaymi and my mom showed up close to 10:00, and we sat around visiting and just hanging out. Around 11:00 Jaymi and I walked laps around the hall (thanks to the intermittent monitoring and a sweet pair of Depends). The morning felt nice and easy, just three hours of hanging out and feeling excited about the day ahead. I labored so long with the other two boys, I really didn't have any kind of expectations about things going quickly.

Around 12:15 my contractions started to pick up. I could tell they were becoming more intense and uncomfortable, which was exciting because it meant things were happening! Kim checked me and I was 3 cm and 70% effaced. She had me lay with a big, inflated peanut ball on each side for 45 mins. to help open up my pelvis. At that point I really didn't feel like walking around or doing much of anything anymore, and I was starting to shake like I was cold but I wasn't. I think I read somewhere that means you're having some kind of hormone surge. The only thing I cared about was eating. I'm telling you, I've never in my life felt so hungry! I was STARVING! Unfortunately the only thing I was "allowed" to have one was frozen cherry chill, but that just wouldn't cut it. I pretty much demanded that Jaymi and Nick go find something of substance in the snack area and not come back until they had. They both brought in packs of crackers and peanut butter, and I devoured them. No food has ever tasted so good! I was kind of feeling nauseous and shaky, and despite the rules, I knew I needed to eat something. I felt much better after my snack, but I did get busted later when the nurses saw crumbs in my bed. Oops! Luckily at that point they didn't say much about it. Nick was so sweet to rub my back and hold my hand during the big contractions, and Jaymi and my mom rubbed my feet.

Around 2:00 Teri and Andrea showed up (Layne was keeping the boys during nap time), and by that time my contractions were no joke. They were coming hard every 3-4 minutes, and I was really having to work through them. I was really nervous about getting the epidural and slowing down any progress, but I trusted Kim when she told me she actually thought it would help speed things up because I would be more relaxed. I knew I wanted one, so I went ahead and ordered it. Kim checked me again, and I was dilated to 5 cm.

(In between contractions, right before the epidural ^^^ all of those!)

I got my epidural around 2:30, and like the last two, I had really good luck. It was just enough to take away the pain, but I was still able to move my feet and legs without having that heavy sensation. The numbing shot always stings, and you feel the pressure when it's being inserted, but it's such a welcome relief it doesn't even matter. Instantly I went from being in quite a bit of pain to completely relaxed and at ease. I must have told everyone a dozen times afterward, "I am SO glad I went ahead and got that! I can't believe the difference! Wow! I feel SO much better now!"
My dad and Rhonda had gotten to the hospital and came in the room along with everyone else when the anesthesiologist was done. Even though Dr. Snead broke my water at 9:00, it really only felt like things had been happening for two hours so it all felt so fast!
I was obviously in bed the rest of the time, but like the morning, we spent the next two hours talking and hanging out. Around 5:00 or 5:30 everyone decided to take a quick dinner break. At that point I was starting to feel quite a bit of pain again, lots of pressure and shaking really, really badly. Kim called the anesthesiologist to come and give me a little bit more epidural, which was good because it helped the pain and didn't end up affecting when I pushed, but the bad thing was my right leg got really heavy and I could no longer move it at all. I really didn't like that feeling!

Everyone was out in the hall about to leave for dinner, and Kim came to check me one more time.  I figured I had probably made a lot of progress, but I was absolutely shocked and thrilled when Kim lingered for a while and then said, "You're at a 10! It's almost time to push!" I honestly couldn't believe it!!! Kim said the baby was still a little bit high so I could lie on my side for about 30 minutes and let him drop down even more and pushing should be pretty easy.

I had Nick run out in the hall and tell everyone not to go anywhere! He also called his parents (Teri had gone back home), and told them they could bring the boys up in the next hour or so because it was almost BABY TIME!!!! I just remember being so overjoyed and surprised and excited I cried happy tears. I honestly couldn't believe how fast and easy my labor had gone, and I hadn't even needed Pitocin or anything! That was definitely a first! From 12:00-2:30 I feel like labor started, and I had some pain. And then from 2:30-5:30 I basically went from 5 cm to 10 cm and was suddenly ready for the baby! With Logan I labored for over 18 hours before the c-section, and with Everett my water broke on Friday night and he wasn't born until Sunday morning... it was so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I was actually having a fast, easy delivery! I loved it!!!!

I'm also going to fess up and admit at this point I had Jaymi give me some lipgloss and a little make up touch up. Another thing that definitely never happened when I had the other two! Listen, if you can... why not is all I'm saying?

At 6:00 it was time to start pushing!!! Jaymi said a prayer for us and then everyone cleared out of the room except for Nick. For the next 20 minutes or so I alternated between pushing (SUCH HARD WORK!!!) and eating ice chips Nick fed me in between. I had a mirror I could see, and even though it was discouraging when I would start to see Beckham's head and then it would disappear again, it really was so cool to be able to watch. I remember Kim went out in the hall a couple of times and asked where Dr. Snead was/ if anyone had called him. Finally, Dr. Snead came rushing into the room and right at that moment he and Kim both told me DO NOT PUSH. I remember him saying, "Just breathe through your mouth, DON'T PUSH!" There were a couple of other people in the room then too, but I'm not sure exactly who they were or at when they came in. At that point I could actually see a lot of Beckham's head in the mirror and Dr. Snead threw on his gloves and glasses at lightening speed while Kim tied his scrubs and they both kept telling me NOT TO PUSH. I knew Beckham was coming out one way or another, and seriously just as Dr. Snead got his gloves on and stepped up to catch him, Beckham came flying out.
At 6:35 PM they placed our precious, dark haired angel on my chest. We later found out he weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was absolutely the most perfect thing. He was BEAUTIFUL! I could tell he was bigger like Logan had been and he had the sweetest cry and big, full lips. It was a feeling of complete joy and happiness, just like when his brothers were born, and just like when I married his dad on that same night nine years before. Absolutely perfect!!!!

Nick went out and told everyone he was here and healthy, and even though they were practically beating down the door to come in and see him (mom!), we spent the next hour with just us in the room. I held Beckham for a few minutes and took it all in, and then the nurse cleaned him up and did all of his assessments. 

Finally, around 7:30 Nick went back out and told everyone they could come meet our newest member of the family! He carried both of the boys (in their pj's) down the hall and he said Logan wanted to hide his eyes for the big surprise (SO SWEET!!!). The rest of the family followed closely and anxiously behind!

Introducing Beckham to his big brothers is something I'll remember forever! They were both completely overjoyed!

Logan was dying to hold him, so he got to be first.

The next little bit was the icing on top of a great day! I've never had a baby during normal waking hours, so it was absolutely incredible to have all of our family there to greet Beckham and celebrate his arrival.
Having everyone in the room could have been stressful or crazy, but it was absolutely perfect. Again, it was just like what I had always imagined having a baby to be like. The room was bursting to the brim with joy and a sense of calm. As everyone passed Beckham around we were all so happy! It was one of those fleeting moments in life (like our wedding reception!) when everything feels absolutely perfect and right. 

Later that night Kimba came to meet Beckham and brought me the most delicious strawberry limeade on the face of the earth! Chuy's was brought in for dinner, and it too tasted like manna from heaven!

So that was Beckham's birth!!! Breezy, fast and absolutely wonderful. His delivery was what I always pictured having a baby to be like, before I ever actually gave birth. God is so faithful to take my first delivery and completely redeem the things I felt like I missed out on, not once but twice. Everything about Beckham's entry into the world felt wonderful, surprising and like the perfect way to complete our family of five. Thanks be to God!

Logan's Birth Story

Everett's Birth Story