
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas 2017

This Christmas may have been one of my all time favorites. The boys are at such fun ages, and Logan & Everett were especially into all of the magic and excitement. On Christmas Eve I overheard them standing in the hall outside Beck's room talking to Elfie. "Goodbye Elfie," they said. "Thank you so much! We'll miss you!!" My heart could have burst into a million bazillion pieces. That right there is everything simple, fleeting and perfect about being a kid.

On the 22nd Scat, mom and I did our annual Northpark shopping and lunch at Neiman's trip. I really look forward to this day each year!

I'll admit, the boots were a bold choice. I bought them in Colorado skiing last December and never wear them. It seemed like the opportune time.
That night Logan got to spend the night with Deed, Chris and Colin. He had the time of his life eating Chic Fil A and donuts, building Legos and mostly, playing Chris's old video games. Deed and Chris are the best!

On the 23rd we took the boys to see Santa- it panned out just exactly as predicted. 
Logan and Everett were so nervous up there, and it was so sweet! Logan nervously told Santa he wanted Legos, and Everett, a little less timidly, said he wanted, "A $100,000 Lego set." This got a genuine laugh out of the Santa fellow. 

After Santa we went to Randy & Ana's house for the Garrett family Christmas. It was absolute mayhem and this was the only picture I got.

Layne gave Logan a volcano making set for his birthday. We were up making volcanoes at 7:30 the next morning. I told Layne next time she gives a gift like this it better come with a free baby-sitting and cleaning up coupon. Ha! 

We were so lazy all day Christmas Eve, and then we went to the 4:00 Candlelight service with the Deed, Chris, Colin, Al & Teri. 

We followed it with our traditional ravioli dinner at Al & Teri's afterwards, and gifts. This is another favorite for me!

 We got home around 8:00, just in time to set out cookies for Santa and food for the reindeer.
Then two of the sugarplums got all snug on the air mattress in our room. After Logan opened all the gifts two years ago we started a new tradition where the boys sleep in our room on Christmas Eve. I love this as much as they do!

Around 10:00 it was finally safe for Santa to pay a visit. The big gifts were a wagon for Beck and Land & Sea Remote Controls for the boys (drive on land or water). They also loved these little cars called RC Pocket Racers.

Logan was up the next morning at 6:00, and woke us up and then Everett. Beck slept until 8:30.

Candy, Under Armour clothes, Everett's Lego watch and Logan's FitBit (Garmen) watch were the big hits!

Logan and Everett also were big fans of the wagon.

Beck mostly just wanted the candy and Chex Mix.

We had a delicious brunch at my mom's and opened more gifts. My mom always does so much for us at Christmas.

We were invited to Julie and David's new house with my dad's side later in the afternoon as well as Brett & Tammy's with Jeanice, but declined both invites. I felt somewhat guilty about this, but going from the excitement of Santa that morning, to mom's to a third place (probably without naps at that point) just felt like too much. I made plans to celebrate with both sides later on. And even though I felt bad about it in the moment, on Christmas Day I most certainly did not. We five had just the right amount of fun and festivity.
We capped off the day with wagon rides and soup for dinner. It was the merriest of Christmases.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Holly Jolly Holidays: December Recap

Logan's class

We actually decorated for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. I was tired from working so much, and then hosting Thanksgiving, and instantly regretted it when Nick started pulling out boxes. But it felt good to get it up.
Nick loves decorating the tree. It means so much to him, and the boys helped him this year and seem to love it also.

I've never paid anyone to help decorate our tree (that sounds very extravagant typing it out, and it is!), but I am making my own money now and so I did this year! The majority of our decorations are sentimental, but I wanted to change up a few things and just didn't have time to do it myself. I met a lady who sells wreaths at The Gift Store, one of our jewelry retail locations, and whose twins are in kindergarten with Logan. She offered to come over and help me put some finishing touches around the house, and she was so reasonably priced. It felt like such a luxury, but also like a well deserved one as hard as I've been working. I love everything she did for us- the mantle, trimming the tree and a couple of wreaths in the kitchen!! 
This is 18 mos old. He cries/throws tantrums quite a lot. This little rat has a temper! 

MOPS Table (and some other girls) Christmas party. We did a cookie exchange, and I won!! I made Kimba's Oreo cake balls. A girl named Kristle hosted. I don't know her well, but I've gotten to know her some this year, and she's a really sweet person. Her house was INSANE. Like nothing I've ever been in before. FANCY!

The next morning was museum/music, and we ate at McKinley's. Naturally, the boys had dessert first. This was Beck's first time to sit in a booster seat, and I thought he looked SO big!

 That afternoon after school I let Logan and Everett do a cookie taste test with the cookies I brought home from the party. Everett said, and I quote, "Yours are thumbs down. They're just so regular. All of the other moms are way better cookers than you." Logan enjoyed the Oreo cake balls, however.

Sweetest big brother

MOPS couples' Christmas party with one of my very favorite people, Lesley. This was a surprisingly fun party-- you never know when it's couples and the guys don't know one another. The couple who hosted was young and knew how to throw a really fun party. 

Debbee and Fred Heldoorn had us all over for a Christmas dinner. Debbee is always so generous and goes out of her way to throw an elaborate Christmas dinner. 

Logan is really into building things and taking things apart right now. I know I'm his mother, but he's literally a mechanical whiz. He builds blades that spin with axels and battery packs and paper plates. He takes apart parts of toys and puts them on other toys, and they actually work. He is really, really, REALLY smart. And Everett is too! He has picked up on so many things from Logan, it's incredible. He has such a big vocabulary, and tonight we were playing a dumb trivia game at dinner, and Everett correctly answered, "The Pacific Ocean." WHAT??? Even Logan was stumped. (The question was, what is the name of the ocean near California?) It was bizarre, but he said it like it was nothing. He must have seen it on Wild Kratts or something? 
Anyway, for a while Logan was waking up at like 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning and taking apart toys to see how they worked. You can imagine what a delight he was by 5:30 or 6:00 PM. One day I took him to Goodwill and let him pick out 4 or 5 things to take apart. We got a slew of things-- an alarm clock, and a disco ball, and I forget what else for less than $15. 

Logan cracked the iPad screen being silly, and we purposely haven't given it back to them. It's amazing what they find to do when there are no electronics around. We did get it fixed, but I kind of don't want to give it back. The original plan was that Santa's elves were going to fix it and leave a note about taking care of their stuff, but now I kind of want to wait it out.

One night they got some twine and took turns tying it on each others' hands playing Santa Claus and a reindeer. Odd/Funny/Amusing/Endearing all at once. Logan said, "Okay Everett you be the Prancer, no actually be the Dasher, he's faster. I get to be the Santa because I have blonde hair." Beck just chased after them and screamed. I love watching them play!
Precious angel visiting "DADA!" at work. He, Everett and I made a stop one Friday when we were in Ft. Worth.

Everett was the lucky one who got to continue our Polar Express night tradition at church. I love this so much! Beck just isn't old enough to stay up late or sit still. And sadly, Logan just couldn't hang either. A full week of school + a birthday party after school (+ maybe waking up before dawn to disassemble things) had in him full melt down mode. It was one of those awful parenting moments where we knew we had to follow through on our threat to shape up or miss Polar Express, and take him home kicking and screaming after dinner. Bummer for everybody. Except Everett!

Ellie arrived one night very mortified to be wearing an Ugly Christmas sweater that Santa really wanted him to wear to a party. He wrote a note to the boys explaining the importance of doing things your parents want you to do, even when you don't want to. #moralelfie

Nick's work party at Colonial. It's sooooo weird that he's the boss!! I'm married to the boss! It's so fitting and he's perfect at it, but also so strange. 

Last week Nick and I went to VEGAS!!!!! Again, a work thing for one of Nick's customers. Mostly, I was very reclusive, devouring Andy Cohen's biography and lots of sour gummy worms in our hotel bed while Nick did various work things. I emerged only when I had to be somewhere. It was AMAZING, and exactly what I've been needing. Quiet/Alone/No one needs me for anything time. A big thanks to Mimi and Grammy for holding down the fort!

We went to two nice dinners. It was strange because everyone we spent time with, including the guys who work work Nick and their wives, are so much older than us! It's just kind of a weird dynamic. Nick handles it easily and gracefully. I dissect every little interaction. Nick doesn't really care to join me in my analysis.

Nick booked a ONE HUNDRED minute massage for me! Now that's really living! Hot tea on a silver platter and my name on the locker! The Mirage is a pretty outdated hotel I thought, but the spa was 100%!

This preschool picture is one of my favorites every single year. It puts a knot in my stomach to think about next year being Everett's last year in preschool. 

Elfie is mostly so boring and lame, jumping from ordinary place to ordinary place. But on this day he brought elf's favorite hot cocoa and warm slippers/pj's for the boys. Also worth noting, Logan stuck a sticky note on him that morning that said, "CAN I TUCH YOU?" I always think Logan is so grown up and mature, and then I get little glimpses like that of how young and innocent he actually is.

Everett and I baked gingerbread cookies, Logan took apart a toy fire truck. 

One in shorts, one in a costume and cape, one dressed appropriately, bundled up in a hat & coat. 
PJ day in kindergarten!!!

 Dinner. Forgot why I took these pictures...

When you watch PJ Masks in costume. Love how Everett's all sprawled out! HAHA!
And then you nap in your polyester costume on your flannel sheets...