Beckham is eight months old! Eight months old is a combination of really great and really challenging.
The challenging part is, he has entered into the unending ear infection/teething combo that all of my boys go through. It's not easy! It's a lot of sleepless nights (A LOT of them!) and a very fussy baby much of the time. But, I know we'll eventually get through it just like we did with the other two. Beckham is also very partial to me (which I love!) and has really bad stranger anxiety right now. If we're at home, he wants me to carry him around wherever I go. When we have a baby-sitter, or I take him to the church nursery, they really earn their money with Beckham. It's sooo hard to leave him, but I know it's something he will have to work through.
The good definitely outweighs the bad. He is doing so many fun things right now. He smiles and laughs, and Logan and Everett have the best time competing to see who can make him laugh the most. He laughs at them and splashes right along with his big brothers in the bathtub. When I read him one of his two favorite books, he laughs and smiles, which I just love!
He wiggles and stretches out his arms when someone is holding him and he wants Nick or me. He will say, "Mama" and "Dada" (mostly when he's upset), and just today Logan got him to say "Bubba" a couple of times. [Side note: Bubba sounds very redneck to me. I'm not sure how it came to be that we're a family who uses that term on the reg. Anyway, moving right along.]
All of a sudden I've seen a huge jump in what he understands. I can tell he really knows what I'm talking about most of the time. If I say, "books," he will look at his basket of books. If I say "Lexi," he looks right at her, etc.
He's just started waving "bye bye," and giving big, sloppy open mouthed kisses on demand. Obviously we're all thrilled by both of these tricks and think he's brilliant and certainly bound for Harvard in the long run.
He is at the stage where he only wants to eat what we're having, and I've noticed a shift to where he's pretty much 50/50 food and milk. If one of us is eating something he can't have (like a chip), he will get so mad, grunting and wiggling and trying to grab it out of our hands. He basically eats everything we eat, with the exception of dairy which I try (kind of) to keep away from him because of his ear infections.
He's good at putting himself to sleep, the issue is more of him staying asleep. He's down to two naps a day, around 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and bedtime around 7:00 p.m., depending on our schedule. I try hard to plan things so he can get the sleep he needs, but it's not always possible with two other kids.
When he isn't sick, he still gets up once around 9:30 or 10:00 to nurse and typically one other time in the night (Noooooo. Make it stop!!!) But when he's not feeling well (the last month), all bets are off. As much as I dislike his crazy nighttime sleep, I do really treasure how he falls asleep on me, and we just sit there together rocking for a little bit before I lay him back down. He's so sweet and snuggly, and I simply don't get enough time to just sit still and be with only him. Beckham is absolutely filled to the brim with joy when his brothers are around. I want to soak up every last ounce of his fleeting babyhood.
Really, all of us do. We love Baby B more than words can say!