
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Grandparents Day, Thanksgiving Feast, Pit Vipers & Saved By My Family


Yesterday got to me. It felt like I was hit with panic and bad news from the moment I woke up. I didn't like how a discussion went at bible study and it really bothered me all day, a mom on Everett's baseball team was driving me nuts, another lawsuit surfaced in Southlake, the next pandemic is about to emerge I'm told... it was just one thing after another. I spent most of the day in a horrible mood. And then yesterday evening I came home and cooked stir fry for dinner and got so much joy out of watching Nick and the boys play and wrestle, and then we had a family Connect Four tournament... and I was reminded of what really matters. Before bed all three boys crowded around to watch a baseball game on my phone and then Beck read to us all, and it really was the sweetest night. I have no control of what goes on outside of our four walls, but when I focus on my family there is so much joy. It was such a sweet gift from God about what really matters. I went to bed feeling very grateful.

Today was grandparents day at JES! Logan and Everett are so lucky to be so loved and spoiled by Mimi, Grammy and Papa! Logan had Jersey Mikes delivered and Everett had Chic Fil A. They also scored monster cookies from Corner Bakery and swag from the Dragon spirit shop. 

I love these wonderful pictures! We get a lot wrong, but these boys sure are loved!!

While Logan and Everett were celebrating grandparents day, Beck and I were enjoying his Thanksgiving party. It was so cute! They made a snack mix and told the story of Thanksgiving and made edible turkeys. 

Notice Beck's arms around two of his pals on the back row. Classic Beck.
I was so impressed with his handwriting on his turkey, too. Hopefully Mrs. Davidson will be impressed with it this time next year too. HA!! As I said, my turkey disguising days are over.

Everett's latest thing this week are his new Pit Viper sunglasses he's spent the last month trying to earn. Grayson and some other boys on his baseball team have them (apparently this is a cool look for older baseball players), and Everett has been DYIIIIING to get a pair. Nick leveraged all kinds of stuff to get him to earn them. They came in last night and Everett is obsessed. 

Wore them right to grandparents day. I died!! So funny and awful. Ski goggles or sunglasses.. hmm...

He came home and changed clothes to make a more suitable outfit for his new Dragon tights he bought in the spirit shop with his Pit Vipers.

Then he went to play with Grayson and they had some Pit Viper, Dragon hat and Nike shirt time. Oy! Those sunglasses are really something special. Just when we got rid of tall socks and shorts, they hit me with Pit Vipers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thai Cooking Class

Speaking of the football families... last night Nick and I went to a Thai cooking class at Sur La Table. It was a fun time, and I loved trying something new!

Just look at John Palmer's face... he is so jealous of this love. HA!!

Our team and the Stewart's team made a bet to see whose soup the chef liked best. WE WON! Unfortunately we weren't involved in the receiving money part of the bet. 

Fun night with a fun group of friends! I feel very positive about the $30 wok I bought myself to go with my new skills when the class was over too. 

Mother Son Football Game

A couple of weeks ago Everett's football team had their annual mother/son scrimmage. This is such a fun night we all look forward to!

Last year we beat the boys (and a lot of them, including Everett) cried. It was fun to see how much they've improved and matured in just a year. There were no tears, and WOW were they fast!! We legitimately tried to beat them and were no match. We hadn't even scored a single touchdown at half time. 

Despite our pregame push ups

And having the best offensive coordinator in the land!

Logan came home from school and drew up a bunch of plays for us. He put them in a plastic sleeve and carried them in his back pocket, just like Nick does. It was the cutest!

Our offensive scheme and Coach John could not lead the moms to victory, but we sure had a blast!

Next year tackle starts in DYF and Everett is going to move to a flag league (thank you, Jesus!!) so he won't be with this team anymore. It's a little bittersweet because it's been such a fun group of friends for the past two years. This team right here was a huge bright spot during Covid. I'm thankful for a fun two years together and the friendships we made. 

Nov-cember: The End of Fall Sports, Decking the Halls and More!

This is a first. It's November 16 and our house is completely decorated for Christmas with gifts wrapped under the tree. I'm even making Buddy the Elf look bad. I can't decide if I'm going to be sick of the clutter and the Christmas season by December 1 or if this is the best idea I ever had. 
I started Christmas shopping early this year because of all of the shortages and shipping delays, and something about that just put me in the mood for everything Christmas. Normally Nick and the boys and I decorate the house, and while it's fun... kind of... it's also chaotic and exhausting and most of the time Nick and the boys decorate the tree while I do other stuff, and I feel like I miss a lot of it. This year we wouldn't be able to decorate as a family until after Thanksgiving between baseball tournaments and going to Broken Bow, so I decided to pull everything but the tree out and do it over two days while everyone was at school and work.

I think this is going to be my new tradition. It was a TON of work, but I enjoyed it so much! I was able to go slowly and take my time decorating. I got to stop and enjoy all of our sentimental decorations. I looked at each and every Christmas picture of the boys over the years and found myself tearing up more than once. Where is the time going?? As I looked at their little matching plaid pajamas and sweet baby faces and dapper Christmas outfits and tears in Santas lap, all I could think was thank you. It is all SUCH a gift. I am so thankful for our boys and all of these wonderful years we're living. So going forward, I think I'm going to make it a special day just for me. I'm going to get a really fun Starbucks drink, turn on Christmas music and decorate everything but the tree all by myself. 

Practically, this felt like a good idea because December is always a whirlwind. Between Christmas and all of the parties and festivities that entails, plus Logan's birthday, plus Nick's annual work trip to Vegas... December always feels like a frenzy and exhausting. I thought maybe this year if I did as much as I could ahead of time I would be able to slow down and enjoy the season a little more and focus more on special memories and traditions with our family. We'll see. I sure am loving in now and feeling on top of my game. 

Sunday Logan and Everett lost their 8:00 games so we were home by 10:00 and the boys had been asking to decorate the tree all week. Nick brought all of the ornaments down from the attic and after all of the pomp and circumstance and build up of decorating the tree together as a family... these were my helpers...
A whole lot of help you all are

Nick and I were tired and annoyed with each other, the boys were tired and whiny, Beck was pulling out (and almost breaking) each ornament... and then they just quit on me... I was so mad at all of them. It was the yin to my personal decorating experience yang. I finished putting all of the ornaments on the tree, cussed them all in my head and cleaned everything up. And so life goes.... 

In other news, I am coming in live from my brand new computer. How the clarity and speed of computers have advanced in a decade! It's unbelievable. What has not advanced in a decade is me. My lack of computer know how in 2021 is embarrassing. 
This is Kade with a K. He drives a Prius. He came to help me set everything up and transfer the old data from my old computer. He patiently answered my questions like, "So you're telling me if I use 'the cloud' I don't have to plug my phone into my computer and download pictures to blog?" My understanding of technology stopped in about 2012. Kade is making a second trip to our house on Saturday because all of my old pictures that aren't in said cloud have vanished and I have tried everything and I can't find them anywhere. As I said, it's embarrassing. 

Here are some pictures of what we've been up to in the last couple of weeks since Halloween. 

Logan had to complete a Native American project for school. I kept calling it his Indian project. He kept correcting me. I also said "Caddo Indians" and he kept calling them "Caddo tribe." It really is shocking how fast you become an old person in the world. 

Since he's into cooking he made Indian Native American corn cakes. It was a great project for him, and he basically did it all on his own. 

The next day we uploaded pictures of him doing his project, and he asked if I would sit with him and help him write a paragraph describing what he did. This is the gift that never runs out of your first born child... they dazzle and amaze you... I didn't know I had a human (besides Nick) living in this house who could sit down at a computer and write an entire paragraph on a computer and print it out. WOW!
I tried to just sit and let him ask questions, but I admit I micromanaged his writing a little more than I should have. I did let him make a few mistakes and come up with all of the sentences, but I also did make a lot of suggestions. I help him with so little of his homework, and I probably shouldn't have chimed in as much as I did, but I couldn't help myself. 

Everett's year is going great! It's been easy and he's happy, and Mrs. Little makes him feel like the most amazing specimen to ever walk the planet. "OH I JUST ADORE THAT BABY!" Mrs. Little will tell me. "WHEN I WRITE MY GRATITUDE LIST THAT SUGAR MUFFIN OF YOURS IS RIGHT AT THE TOP." It's hard to know how to respond except, good for Everett. He is so sweet and special and deserves to have every bit of love lavished on him. 

No clue what's going on in these pictures. Mrs. Little posted them and I need to remember to ask E. He came home last week with a stack of art work from various kids in his class marked anywhere from $5-$100. He told me he's starting a company called Artistic Realistic Treasures, and he's the manager. They're going to set up a shop on Dove Road and sell their art and earn money. Since he's the manager he gets 75% of the money. 
His DYF season ended last weekend and baseball ended this past weekend. Everett is SO fun to watch on the field. He is such a natural athlete and excels on the football and baseball field. 

Beck finished up his first season of DYF also, and it was great to see his excitement and confidence grow. In the last play of his last game his team was losing. His coach handed him the ball and when the other team came towards him Beck ran 25 yards in the wrong direction. The other team was totally confused but started to follow him and then he ran back another 25 yards the opposite way, also in the wrong direction. Everyone in the stands was laughing and cheering, including my mom and I. The coaches and Nick were on the sidelines, puzzled, but also laughing. When the play was over and the game ended both refs came and high fived Beck. It was HILARIOUS! Beck was so proud of himself. His chest was all puffed out and he told everyone he "juked out" the other team. Too bad he juked them in the wrong direction. 
The other morning he decided to re-enact a scene from the movie Cruella with cucumbers on his eyes and a nine minute timer. You just never know what will come into that brain of his and out of his mouth! 
Other times I just can't fight the battle anymore, and so if I have to brush his teeth with a mask on then fine. 

Tennis wrapped up, and I loved it, but I'm also glad to have a little break. Beth and Tara and I lament each week on how we're just not getting much better despite all the tennis we've been playing. 
Tara, me, Beth and Vicki holding those demo racquets like we are really something special- HA!

After our league ended, Beth, Vicki and I went to lunch and to the foot spa to celebrate our first tennis league. Vicki brought our Dick's bag that held all of our balls to start, just like a flag we could fly. We haven't come far (Beth and I haven't anyway), but we're not carrying around a Dick's paper bag anymore. I also wore my heated vest- which is my new obsession and when you have that thing on you don't even need sleeves. 

Beck had to disguise a turkey for school and I'm pretty sure Logan or Everett also did a Dragon football player for theirs in kinder. Third time around I've wised up, and I will be tucking that turkey away for next year in Mrs. Davidson's class. I won't be helping to disguise a fourth turkey, I can tell you that much. 

The time change was rough on us all, but the upside is the boys aren't getting on the bus while the moon is still out, and everyone has been ready with plenty of time to spare in the mornings. Even early enough for wiffle ball on occasion. 

Favorite child

Last weekend DYF wrapped up and this weekend baseball and Logan's flag league ended as well. We had a lot of fun and made some great memories, especially with the Robersons, Tates and Borsts. With the boys playing football and baseball together, we would spend most Saturday mornings, evenings and Sundays all together. I think that's part of the reason we have all gotten so close, and I treasure their friendships. I enjoyed watching the boys and cheering on their teams. The boys genuinely seem to love playing, and Nick is never happier than when he's coaching- or planning his coaching strategies. But man, it was a grind this fall! The schedule and the amount of games and the hours and hours spent driving and playing games was so much. I am SO glad the seasons are over and things will slow down for a little bit. I think we all need a breather. I know I do anyway. 

Logan's flag team that Tyler coaches made it through all the rounds of the play offs and played in the Super Bowl! They lost sadly, but they had a great season!! This is such a fun, laid back league and a great group of boys. 

Mrs. Randall and Mrs. Campbell braved the cold on Saturday night and came to watch Logan and Andy. They ended up staying for all three games! Those are some amazing teachers!! 

Sunday was Lolly's third birthday! We got her a cupcake treat and the boys wanted to buy her a tennis ball gun. We all had a lot of fun launching tennis balls and watching her chase them down in the field behind Johnson. We love our Lou so, so much!

Sunday night was also our last cell group for a couple of weeks. At the last minute we ended up changing the plans to a game night and ordering in food. I bought a bunch of candy and sodas, and we made it almost like a party. We had a huge turnout, and it was a lot of fun. It was a fun night for our family too (the boys LOVED playing the games with them), and it was just what we all needed to laugh and have some fun after a long, tiring weekend.