Monday, January 31, 2011

20 weeks

No, I am not pregnant.  But if I were, this day… the beginning of week 20, would be the halfway point.  As it is, this is my more than halfway point since I am blessed to have a husband deployed for not nearly a year. 
Husband pretending to look annoyed... but actually being annoyed he came up in ANOTHER blog.
And lots of things have happened while the husband has been gone.  I’ve been to Disneyland.

I’ve lived at home where I have mountains and beautiful scenery.
taken on a walk with my pup.  who says he never gives me anything...

I’ve hated Kesha even more.   

(how do you not all realize this is clearly a man!?!  I hate her and her stupid songs so much that I almost left my body pump class because my fabulous instructor had her on before he started class.)

But I’ve also gotten over my fear of spinning class.
while i'd like to believe I look like the girls in the middle... I am totally the chick on the end.

I’ve re-kindled some friendships.
the one person here trained in the thing they were playing failed for the whole team.  I don't want to point any fingers, but I've been trained in singing, and it looks like I'm singing here so...

And I’ve re-kindled some love affairs.  (I’m looking at you, Jason Bateman). 
I love this whole show... but love Jason, my boyfriend.

On a whole, I haven’t become a crazy person so far.  And, hey, the hike up is the hardest part, right?

Okay, fine.  For the most part I feel like this:
in case you aren't reading... "FU Penguin tells cute animals what's what."

Yup, like even the nice and cute people in my life should be told "what's what."  (how adorable is that book, BTW?  Awesome.  Jon got it for Christmas.)  But in my new life of being an angry person, at least I didn't downgrade my life into wearing these.
ugliest shoes in America

I mean REALLY, SERIOUSLY, who does that?

Ooh well, another day another thing to mock.  Today it's shoes.  Tomorrow it might be news organizations that refer to healthcare reform strictly as "ObamaCare" or maybe I'll be mocking myself for pathetic blogging.  Who knows?  Stay tuned...

Thanks for baring with me here, internets.  We'll make it work.  We always do...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

so fresh and so clean

and now... a new segment of the blog called  
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

thanks for the new section title, Mandy Patinkin

Today's word is "yum."

Perhaps the most common use of "yum" occurs when you taste something and it is pleasurable.  Yum.

Sarah's usage of "yum."  (note: o: stands for person OTHER than Sarah)

O: Sarah, would you like to go furniture shopping with me?
S: Yum!  That sounds wonderful!

S: (is overly cold from taking her dog on a walk in 10 degree weather and steps into a hot shower) YUM!

O: what do you think about this dress?
S: (feeling the silky fabric) yum.  you should buy this.

Thus ends "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means" part ONE. 

Thanks for joining today, internets!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday

This weekend is the husband’s birthday.  To celebrate I am taking the dog to get his teeth cleaned (am I “obsessive and weird” amount of worried about this?  I mean… they do put him under anesthesia, I feel like I have a reason to be a little bit worried).  Sound like a good way to celebrate?

What?  No Good?  You don’t do that for your husband’s birthday?  Okay, hows about I get a massage/facial (thanks, Deals that Matter!), and then go to the Guster concert.  I’ll to that in addition to the little dog teeth cleaning.  Well, I’m glad that sounds awesomer, because that is totally what is going to happen.

See?  There are lots and lots of crappy things about a husband being in a magical place called “not here” or “off at war.”  But today I am going to think of all the best things and write them down for you – me – all the world to see.

-         Birthday?  No problem.  Normally I’d be already planning the pies I would make (cherry), the lasagna or Stromboli to eat, the gobstopper hearts to OD on while we play video games (the husband is an indoor husband when left to his own devices).  Instead, I sent him a soap dish, some candy and a love letter.  Birthday planning?  DONE.
-         Same goes for Christmas.  “hmm… what does husband want for Christmas?”  I guess he wants pictures of me and our snow dog and to go on a cruise with me when he gets home.  Christmas shopping?  DONE.

-         YEAR OF NO SPORTS.  It’s not that I dislike sports.  It’s just that baseball season lasts like 10 months out of the year, and the games go for like ever.  (please see our anniversary SLASH my birthday where the Cardinals went like 17 innings before scoring.  And our late dinner that followed.)  Anyway, here’s hoping I am more tolerant of “all sports, all the time” when the husband comes back because this year, I am TV-watching-sports FREE!  (with obvious exceptions of the superbowl and anything that might be on when I am somewhere.)

-         I can watch whatever movie or television show I want.  Even if it’s stupid and girly.  Scratch that… ESPECIALLY if it’s stupid and girly. (I bought The Time Traveler’s Wife last week.)  And especially if husband doesn’t like it for some reason.  Last week: Mad Men Season 2.  This week: Mad Men Season 3.

-         The dog can cuddle with me as I fall asleep.  Normally there wouldn’t be room for him in a large bed – he’s large all by himself.  But since it’s just me, he can curl up and cuddle.  
not my dog.  but kindof what it looks like when he wants to play...
-         Do I feel guilty for over-planning my life and being almost never home?  Yes, but that’s just because of the dog.  I can have activities almost every day of the week and not feel bad because “maybe I should make dinner like a good wife” or “I need to prioritize the husband.”  Nope.  I’m available for plans almost always.   And easy to squeeze into things because I just take one seat.  :)

Glass Half Full!  Believe it and it shall happen!
Until next time, the internets... until next time.
(ooh yeah, did I forget to tell you?  I'ma call you "the internets." eh? eh?)