Monday, September 17, 2007

First days of school and the new house pet

First day of school with her new backpack (thanks for tracking it down Heath)

Audrey has been attending grade 1 for a week or so now. She is enjoying her new teacher and the school but since it is a new school it is taking a bit of getting use to. She made some wonderful Friends last year and seems to be missing them a bit. It will just take a little time. She loves that Dave drives her to school each morning.

Carter has been going through some adjustment as well. He was a bit bored the first week without Audrey around. I've had to get creative to keep him entertained. One day we went over to Sandra's house and Cole had some Ninja Turtle toys and Carter was having a blast playing with them. When Sandra said Chuck got them at London Drugs for $6 we headed right over to the store to see if there were any left. I wish I had a camera when Carter spotted them on the aisle. He was beaming!! He carried them to the check out and couldn't get them home fast enough. When he opened them up and realized they came with a Ninja mask, that was it.....

All day long he had the mask on and the best part was that he made me wear a mask as well. If I tried to take it off or talk to him without it on he went crazy. "Me a inja turtle and you be the blue guy. You have to be a blue guy Mom". Finally when we went to pick up Audrey from school I took it off. He didn't, of course, and was ninja fighting with himself with the mask on the lawn of the school. It's been almost a week. He doesn't have the mask on all the time but even without the toys he is fighting someone, no matter where we are. Today I took him grocery shopping and all down the isles he is talking (loud) about getting the bad guys and pulling these crazy looking moves.

The difference between growing up with 3 sisters that play cabbage patch dolls all day and this little ninja machine is so funny. I think the funniest thing about the whole thing is that when my brother Matthew was little he loved the turtles. Carter was watching the cartoon the other day and when it goes to commercial the music "1,2,3,4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" came on and I had the biggest deja vue! I can remember coming home from school and eating a snack at the table and Matthew had the same cartoons on! I started laughing and missing Mamaloo!

Anyway, Audrey was talking about getting a pet and I told her we already have a house turtle we didn't need any more animals! Here are a few pictures of the past weeks!