Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A small holiday heartache

The flu made an uninvited visit to Carter this past week. Because of this visitor we haven't been able to participate in a few of our favorite Christmas events. The most unfortunate missed event was the Kindergarten Christmas concert. This is something Carter had been practicing for and looking forward to for months. When he found out he had missed the performance his big brown eyes filled with crocodile tears. I told him it was OK if he felt like crying because I did too. So we both sat on the couch and had a little cry. It was so hard to see him so disappointed. He told me it wasn't fun to be sick at Christmas because you miss out on everything fun. Poor guy! It took him a few days but the flu has finally passed. Unfortunately he is still a little heart broken about the concert.

Carter's friends Wyatt and Drew brought him his balloon because they knew how disappointed he was about missing the Christmas celebrations.

Now Brady has come down with a touch of a cold. He walks around the house coughing into his arm. We have all nicknamed him "the germ". Hopefully all the sickness will pass in time for Christmas to arrive.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tis the season

To find a Christmas tree

When Carter heard we were going to pick out our tree he went to find his work gloves so he could help Dave .... I thought that was SO cute!
Family picture with the tree
Or how about this one
(we ran into our friends at the tree lot and we thought we could use a few more family members - they fit in pretty well don't you think!)
After driving to who knows how many stores for 5 unsucessful strands of lights, I got the tree lit and it was ready to decorate. The kids wanted to do it all this year without me moving a single ornament (I guess I've been guilty of such actions in the past). They got their Christmas wish. I think they did a good job.

To enjoy a delicious meal at the Ward Christmas Party

The meal really was amazing. They did a beautiful job with the lighting and decorations so I had Dave take a few pictures

To make gingerbread houses

Next year I am getting the pre-assembled kind. This little adventure took 2 days to complete because we had to wait for the walls and roof to set. The kids were so excited when they finally got to decorate (and eat the candy).

I just love those little fingers

To make sugar cookies

Sandra I think you would have been proud. I think I finally got the hang of your recipe and the cookies were soft and yummy. Dave even gave me the thumbs up!

To enjoy decorations and lights with neighbors

Our neighbor Travis with the kids enjoying Fashion Island

To make Gingerbread Men

Gingerbread businessman
Gingergirl Lucy
Gingerbread Yoda

Tis the Season to have fun together!!!

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Our Turkey Day

I know this post is a little late since December is in full swing, but I wanted to be sure to write a little about our wonderful Thanksgiving. We finished the month off by putting the last leaf on our Thanksgiving tree. It was neat each week to take the time to reflect on all our blessings, big and small. We really are so blessed!

(sorry for the over exposed blurry picture.
I'll have to get a better one next year!)

On Thanksgiving day we did something a little different and had our meal at Balboa Island, fun. As we pulled up to the house most of the family was there to greet us. I thought to myself that I already felt so "full" and I had not had a bite to eat. Let me explain - as I looked at all the family gathered together and watched the cousins from both generations greet each other with big hugs, I could feel my heart swell. I had that same feeling as we sat on the deck of Dave's parent's house over the summer visiting with all the family. I just feel so blessed to be a part of wonderful families with amazing examples in the generations before us. And so many sweet spirits in the little ones we have been so fortunate to have join our families. It was a great feeling. Of course the meal was delicious so I was able to fill my tummy as well. Thank you so much to everyone that prepared the food and made the day perfect!

Enjoying our meal on the lawn
Serving up the goodness
Hillary and Emily were home - yeah!! Emily's 18th birthday was on the same day so we were able to sing to her and help her celebrate!
We got to spend time with Matthew and Brooke over the holiday weekend. I didn't take any pictures which I am bummed about. I think Brooke was up getting something when I shot this one so I don't even have one of her. I'll have to do a better job when they come back for New Years!
Baby Kailyn celebrated her first Thanksgiving. Mama Christina took a break to enjoy her meal. I'll have to get a picture of Kailyn at Christmas. She is growing so fast.
Brady stole 3 rolls from Dave's plate before Dave was actually able to eat one himself. The little guy has gained a love for the famous rolls early.
Brady enjoying the turkey
Baby Reid. Isn't he perfect! Each time I see him I feel like Stacey has just opened a Cabbage Patch box and is holding the sweetest doll. The past few times I've been with Reid I've had flashbacks of playing with my Cabbage Patch doll, James Victor. I loved that doll! When Reid sucks his thumb I just love it.
Audrey wanted to make center pieces for the tables. She came up with these. I think they are so cute!
Aunt Shauna had a fun craft for the kids to make. It was a turkey made from candy. They had a great time making them. They loved the fact they got to eat their hard work.
Carter's creation
Brady's creation
Audrey's creation

This picture Stacey took is precious. I think it sums up the day. The happiness that comes from being together and enjoying all the lovely moments in life.