Friday, June 28, 2013

Being a Christian

I hope, sincerely, when others think of me the thought "disappointing" does not come to mind.  I have recently spent time with a Christian sister whom I always respected.  I found that as I walk away from every conversation now I am left a little sad.  I think of parenting and my advice to my children and it is the same advice I would give an adult (but I am not generally parenting adults...thank goodness!)....

1) Mean what you say!  Follow through of commitments.  Do not engage in empty promises.  Be on time.  Manage your time in such a way you are not caught in lies.

2) Do not be negative!!  Find the good in others! When talking about those you know remember to include their greatest moments before you ever consider sharing their worst. And if you wonder if you should share the bad? DON'T. Don't wonder and Don't share....that's a good rule.  I know we need to understand others weaknesses to help them overcome them but we also need to see value and greatness in people.  We need to see GOD in them and realize there is no issue He cannot help them overcome.There is a big difference in loving concern and gossip.

3) Be true to your faith!  Be in church, be in fellowship, be in love with God and His people.  If a person is not 'IN" then they are not likely to be much encouragement....if you feel you don't have to be in the assemble of His people to be a Christian?  Well, you just missed it.  Truly.  There is a reason why we assemble, fellowship and study together!

4) KNOW God.  I cannot help but think that anyone who really knows our Lord would not need this list....

I do not mean that I am all knowing! <sigh> I spend most of my time being all learning.  But there are things in this life I need only learn once.  In all my life I am absolutely sure I disappoint people. I know I do.  But I hope that each visit with me does not always fine me as such.....That is just simply sad.

I often look for quotes...oh how I love wisdom from others! Today I found one and it made me laugh....I don't think my little kids would ever find humor in the name of the one who spoke it...perhaps my big kids....but my peers? They will:)

I really did love it....being a Christian is hard, and totally worth it!!!

"Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's rebellion."  Alice Cooper

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

All Stars....District Games

Seth made 11 and 12 year old All Stars this year.  He is one of the younger guys but has had a great time.  He loves ball!!

Before Game one against Lexington

Its been a great so far (well, great kinda)....they won one out of three of the games but will move on to the State Tournament.  So they are doing pretty good:)

I sent Scott this picture of our kids from the game with the title "Our Mötley Crüe." Tasha was sitting beside me when I sent it and she said "mom just called us moldy crews!" Good Grief! I started typing my facebook status and Tasha said "that is not funny mom"..... Her thinking that makes it even funnier to me!  She still has no idea!

Game two against Lexington,  warming up the pitcher:)

Lilly Kate brought her mommy and daddy.  She yelled and clapped for "SaSa" and enjoyed a ring pop:)

Between game two and three.
 Second place trophies.......

Good job Seth!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy 50th Birthday Scott:)

Scott turned FIFTY:)  haha....How very thankful I am for every year I get to share with this man!!  The kids said he was half way to 100....and he is!
It was a blessing to have Scott's parents be with us for the weekend!  A blessing and a JOY!!

He sure has changed a lot in 49 years.....

I am pretty sure Scott was 18 months here.

I'm not sure about this ...I may need to correct it....but I think he was likely 8 or 9.   
The years have been kind to Scott:)  The kids have perhaps kept him young but they were hard on his hair.....

Life has been really good.....and I so look forward to many many years more with my wonderful Scott!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


 This was the first year I had all "big kids" who helped at VBS (some much more than others).  No more little sweet faces and matching people are now my lot:)

I did enjoy being in the nursery again this year. I am not sure how many years I have kept it for VBS but I have always enjoyed the babies!

On Monday Lilly Kate came with her mommy:))

My big kids all spent the week helping out as leaders in groups or as help in the centers:

And the whole crew (well, not really but a whole BUNCH of the whole crew)!!!  A great week by all:)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day!!

 How blessed we are by an incredible man whom I call husband and my children call father. I am fairly sure he is MY blessing, but for today the kids can claim him! 

I can remember when I was little my dad once said  about my mother 'She is not my mother."  He wasn't being ugly, simply truthful. His love for her was different. His regard for her was not that of a mother (well, perhaps the mother of his children but not his personally).  I think of that often.  I so appreciate Scott. He is an incredible father and a true gift to our children!  That being said, he is not my father. 

My dad is one of the greatest men I've ever known:) I could simply say he's "A Christian" because he is. He truly lives by the word of God. As a child I thought he was perfect, as an adult I know he is not but it is rare the times he falls short. He's incredible and has always been a man of his word. It seems men of his caliber are so hard to find these days!! My dad has blessed my life for 47 years and I sure hope he's blessing me for years to come!!! Happy Fathers Day;)

Sarah posted this to her dad's facebook today. It made me smile.....

Happy Fathers Day to my dad, the person who taught me how to "make" it a great day, set up my first email(sunnysarah31), how to turn my windshield wipers on when it snows not just when it rains, not to slurp cheerios, and so many more essential to life kind of things! Most thankful for the Christian example and leader he has always been to us. Our family is blessed because of you! Love you for being you!

Our children will all grow up someday and realize what a gift they have.  Scott it not perfect, good grief, who is??  But he cares perfectly.  He stops is life often to take care of their wants and needs.  He is a good man and a good Christian.   He's a dad.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

GO CAMP week.....

Most of my kiddos went to GO CAMP this year.

I didn't get a boy picture (yes I am slipping)!

They had a great week:)

And me?  I had sweet babies....

Chelsea and Presley came and stayed while Bo had his youth group at GO CAMP! Sarah came too.  I had both of these sweet girls at my house for DAYS:)  What a joy!!!!

Double blessings!!!

I am ever thankful for the sweetness of these babies:)

GO CAMP week was busy and passed way to quick.....but it was a great week for all!!

Church at GO CAMP on Wednesday night:)  Missing Ryan and Daniel but found these neat campers!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

John's sweet Lyndsay

Today John's sweet Lyndsay lost her grandfather.   It was sudden and they are all so lost.   Lyndsay's family  is so very close .....each and every one incredible people.  You can't say that very often and it be true!! But it is.  

Praying for her family!!!

Duck calls and farting

It seems that a mothers job is never done!  We accomplish one task to move on to a new one.  Some more time consuming than others.  After a long talk to Ryan and Daniel earlier about respecting one another I have Daniel come and say, "could you please ask Ryan to stop using his duck call and farting  at my bedroom door?"  Good grief!  Does that really need to be said?  Apparently so.  Ryan had several "accidents" that all just happened to coincide while he just happenedto be standing outside Daniels door.  Can you imagine the luck?!   <sigh>

So he is sitting and considering what his consequence should be.  I think he is actually planning on the sitting being his consequence.  I'm not.   Nor can he outlast me.  He did say disrespectfully, " I can't sit down. I have to pack for camp!"  I assured him I could pack for him.  It would likely not please him , packing for yourself IS a privilege!!

I hate disrespect.   

It's got to stop!

He eventually decided he could cleanup the kitchen after dinner..... Counters, tables, unload and load the dishwasher and sweep.  We agreed.  

Maybe he's catching on?!

Padens Birthday;)

Paden is the only "boy" birthday I have in may;).   His favorite cake is strawberry so I found three different strawberry cupcakes.  Neat was the idea to use the stand Scott made for his grooms cake!!  

Sarah and Paden and Lilly Kate stayed most of the weekend with us.  I loved this picture of Lilly Kate on our ball field fence way helping her mommy pitch to we daddy. Funny listening to them!! Paden pitched in college and loves baseball.  I don't think I have to tell you that Sarah did not!  Lol;). I love  good times!!!!