On Saturday afternoon as I was sitting drooling over Rosalie's new book, Mel started complaining that it had been ages since he was out and about.
Stina please note arm of chair obscures by Mel.
I relented and off we went, as we live close to Port Adelaide I thought that would be nice place to visit.
We looked at the bridge but no boats came so it didn't open up.
Ahoy me maties.
Being a monkee he thought he might climb the light house but only got this far.
Then he decided to explore the Falie which used to be a training vessel but is now tied up in dock.
Please note sign........... he couldn't read.
He really wanted to do this but there was only one cruise each day and we had missed it. That will have to be another outing.
Then the trouble started.
Port Adelaide has a lot of these.
Normally when Mel & I have an adventure Tony is with us but as he was working we were on our own. When I got home the family were totally amazed by this photo and are considering not letting me out alone any more.......
Those big burly bikies were very accommodating.
Have a nice week and Mel will be back soon with another adventure.