Monday, December 15, 2008


Sundays are the best day of the week!

Sundays =
getting ready for to go to church,

lots of baking,

drinking coffee to stay warm,

dad's cooking,

cuddling with family,

mandatory naps,

and football all day long. (Go Cardinals!)

A few more pictures....

Thursday, December 4, 2008!

I love having Gracie fall asleep and lay on me, it's like heaven. I also love when she sleeps in bed with us but I know that I've started some bad habits. Lately, she won't even stay asleep when I put her in her swing. She used to love her swing and sleep for hours but not anymore. And forget wanting to lay her down for a nap! The minute I lay her down she wakes up and just lays there smiling at me wide awake ready to play. I try and give her a pacifier to put her back to sleep but she will have none of that. The only way I can get her to sleep for long periods at a time is to hold her or lay down with her. When I actually can lay her down in her crib she only sleeps for about 30 minutes. I'm getting so stressed because I want her to be able to sleep by herself. I'm not sure what to do. I need her to be able to sleep by herself so I can clean, spend time with my hubby, and just have some alone time! I try and let her cry it out but her cries just turn into hysteria and then she can't even calm herself down. Then I feel like this horrible mom for letting her cry and she looks so pathetic with her red face and tears! Gracie is such a good baby except for this sleeping issue. It would be so nice if she could lay down and put herself to sleep. Does anyone have any advice for me? Has anyone been in this situation? What did you do? HELP!