School gets out in 8 days! I can't wait. This might be my last 8 days of being a teacher so there are some mixed feelings but overall I can't wait for a summer with my little girl. It's been getting so extremely hard to leave her lately. My class is getting a little crazy, a few worse than others, and I'm ready for a breather!
I'm not quite sure about next year. I was offered a position teaching a Pre-Kindergarten class but that is just SO young! I don't know if I could do it. Luckily it would only be 2 1/2 hours a day. There is also a position at Guthrie Mainstream where I could work from home, on my own schedule and the pay is better. The only problem is that I can't work until I have the training and certification and the state is not offering the training right now because of the crazy budget mess. I would take the Guthrie job in a heartbeat but I just don't know how long it'll take to get started and how long we can afford to wait. If I could work from home life would be so much easier and we could actually work on multiplying our family! :) Lately I've been having baby fever. I am feeling ready to have another baby. The only problem is I'd happily go through the labor, I just don't want the 9 months of being pregnant! I've just been struggling with trying to make the right decision about these jobs and when we should start trying for another baby. It's comforting to know God is in control. (I have to remind myself this a lot!) When I really stop and think about everything HE has provided for us, I realize it's crazy to worry. Worrying won't add a day onto my life and no matter how much I worry today there will still be more to worry about tomorrow.
Anyways, Levi, Caleigh, Carolyn and I went to the Matt Mahar and Shane and Shane concert. It was INCREDIBLE. Those guys have to most amazing voices I have EVER heard. It just goes to show what you can do when you use your talent to honor the Lord! If you ever listen to Christian music look up these guys! Here are a few videos, it doesn't really do them justice though!
My very first Mother's Day was perfect. It was relaxing and I got to spend it with my beautiful family. Levi is an amazing husband and really made it special! We went to my mom's later that day and took Gracie swimming for the first time. She LOVED it. She didn't want to get out!