Saturday, June 20, 2009

a peace that surpasses all understanding

Well we are back from the dead! The past month has been a little difficult and I haven't been in the mood to blog but now I'm back! A little over a month ago Levi got laid off. It was absolutely horrible! I have never known such fear as when he told me the news. All I could think about was Grace. I felt so guilty towards her like somehow we had let her down. The thought of paying bills put me in this crazy depression and all I wanted to do was sleep and escape from the nightmare that had become reality. At that point, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wanted to be left alone my little world to feel sorry for myself. I was a mess. Levi, in one word, was strength. His faith was and is so strong it brought me to shame. Countless times throughout this whole ordeal he would ask me where my trust was and if I really believed in God's promises. Levi said that God would meet all of our needs and he absolutely has. It's so sad how difficult things have to happen for God to draw us back into him. He has completely taken care of everything. There are so many situations during the past year that God used to prepare us for this. I've come to realize that Levi and I alone are not sufficient. No matter what we do or how much money we make, we are not the providers of our family. God is the provider. It's crazy how when we start to stray and forget these important details he grabs us by the shirt collar and drags us back, sometimes kicking and screaming. It wasn't until he took the ground out from my feet that I realize I have to rely on him to stand. And that was when the "peace that surpasses all understanding" kicks in. I know he will take care of us. He has shown me in countless ways over the past 6 weeks.

It's funny because now that we are looking back, Levi getting fired has been a crazy blessing. We have a much better handle on our finances, our relationship is SO much stronger, we've been able to get more invovled in church, Levi LOVES his job and I went and found a job that I love. In fact, Levi and I are working at the same company and it's so much fun. We are both working at Guthrie Mainstream, a company that provides services for people with special needs. I am helping run the teen program and Levi works with 4 different clients. This job has brought out so many amazing qualities in Levi, some I really haven't ever seen before. He told me last Sunday he actually looks forward to Mondays. I love seeing him happy and watching him interact with these clients makes me burst with pride. Everyone loves him there and he has quickly become the favorite provider. Yes, money is a little tight now but I have no doubt we will be fine. I have a God that loves me, a family I adore and sweet little home...there is nothing to complain about!