Well, I've taken sometime off the blogging network but I'm back and vow to keep up with my blog, not for anyone else but for my kids and how fun it would be for them to read these someday when they are old. I love rereading mine and friends old blog post, time flies and things change so fast!
Our little Noah is coming April 19th! This little stinker is breech and has gotten the cord wrapped around his neck so we don't want to take any chances, he will be delivered by c-section in 2 weeks! For the past few weeks I've been doing every crazy, exercise/position possible to try and get this baby to flip. My favorite was laying upside down off the couch with a bag of frozen veggies on the top of my belly and a flashlight shining on my lower belly. (They say the baby will move away from the cold and move towards the light...yeah right!) This definitely didn't work but did succeed in making me incredibly sick and making my husband think I was crazy. If, by God's grace Noah flips himself then I would be so happy! Maybe this sounds a little weird but there was something so special about delivering Gracie how God created us women to, I am a little disappointed about not being able to do it again. But I've been spending the last 2 days thinking of all the positives of a c-section, here's what I've got (thanks Meg for helping me with this):
- A lot less bleeding because they suck a lot of it out of you on the surgery table!
- I'm guessing no hemorrhoids... I got those SO bad with Gracie it was horrible and took FOREVER to go away!
- I can have the house clean, bags packed, Gracie taken to my parents and the dogs figured out since I won't be spontaneously going into labor!
- I'm a planner, this is a set date. Levi can plan his three week leave from school around this too! (God likes to change my plans a lot though! His way always ends up better but sometimes it takes a while for me to see the "better".)
- My doctor is one of the top docs in the valley for high risk, emergency c-sections so I think I'm in good hands!
- I can lay in a bed for 3 days and I"m not allowed to do the dishes, vacuum, cook dinner or do laundry!
- How could I forget, no labor pains! Granted the after pains are going to be a lot worse...
Ok, I think that's all I've got... Anyone else wanna add one?
Our little Gracie is doing awesome. She is such a smart little thing which she gets from her daddy. She can now count to 10, knows her colors and sings her favorite Barney songs all day long! Oh, Barney how I love you and hate you!
As of April 17th, I will be a full time stay-at-home mommy! YAY! Who would have thought that Levi getting laid off work would open up a door for him to go back to school and me to stay home? Isn't God so amazing? I have been praying about taking a few kids for daycare and think I already have one little boy starting in May/June. He and Gracie are the same age, it'll be so great for her to have a playmate and I'd love to start doing some "preschool" lessons each day.
Levi just is working like a maniac and going to school at UTI. He is excited about his new career path and I love the fact that he is learning how to fix most of our car problems and is so motivated. Goodbye costly car mechanics and labor fees!
Anyways, regardless of what trials come our way, God is good and he will see us through them as he always has!
Leaving with a few recent pics...