Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some picture updates

Family updates:
Noah is 10 weeks old! Last Tuesday at his doctor appointment he weighed 11lbs 15oz. He is very healthy, chubby and loves his milk! So far Noah seems very passionate about 2 things in life: he loves his mommy very much, even after the car incident (if you don't know what I'm talk about read post below) and loves to sleep. Seems to be passionate about the same things his daddy is! :) Levi is determined to make Noah not so attached to me but no such luck yet. Gracie is such a great big sister. She loves her little brother and is always trying to help me with him. When he cries she tries her best to comfort him and searches frantically for his "bobble" (pacifier) to give to him. She is sassy, a little crazy and so dang cute. Levi is still working like crazy and going to school which equals very long days for him and I but I just keep reminding myself it's not forever! "I think I can, I think I can..."

I haven't posted any pictures lately so here are some from the past month.

His smile just melts my heart.

Grace is trying to nurse her baby like mommy. This is what she does whenever I am nursing Noah. Of course she thinks the milk comes out of her belly button.

Grace and Julia have these hilarious swimsuits that have pads in them to help teach them to swim. The are so cute in them with their puffed up chests!

They have their daddy's eyes. Love it!
Thank you Caillou (seriously worst cartoon ever) and Sesame Street for entertaining my kids long enough for me to eat, make coffee and even clean a little!
Taking a Sunday afternoon nap. Aren't my men so cute?!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Anyone have a black hole I can borrow?

What a weekend....

Friday afternoon my in-laws so graciously invited Care and I over so that they could watch the older girls and let us go out for some shopping and Starbucks. Carolyn and I were both excited at the thought of not having to chase our crazy 2 year olds around stores and enthusiastically accepted the invitation. Unfortunately, once we got to Ikea with the younger 2 kids in tow, I got this crazy dizzy spell and felt sick. I was so dizzy and nauseous when we got back that it was making me throw-up. All that night and Saturday I felt horrible. A disturbing thought came to mind, "Am I pregnant?" It seems that my husband, mother-in-law and sister-in-law were all thinking the same thing. Finally, on Saturday, I went to Target and bought a pregnancy test.

But I was on my way to meet some friends for lunch so I had to hold off on the test. Levi and Gracie were home sleeping so I took Noah with me. We got to the restaurant and I threw my keys in the diaper bag and set the bag on the passenger seat. Then I got out of the car and walked around to get Noah out. The door was locked. (Even as I'm writing this I'm getting all panicky again) I looked through the window at all the doors and ALL of them were locked. Somehow in my moment of dizziness and stress, I had locked all the doors and left the keys in the car. Noah was locked in the car, in the middle of the day, in triple digit weather. I completely lost it. I ran into the restaurant and yelled at the poor hostess to call 911. She just stared at me for a moment not sure what to do. Luckily their manager got on the phone right away. I ran and hysterically told my friend, Megan, what had happened. Meg's friend came out with me and was so sweet to try and calm me down and reassure me that everything would be okay. All I could think about was how hot it was outside and how much my baby needed me. Those few minutes until the firefighters got there were the longest most horrible minutes of my life. When they got there I begged them to break a window. I didn't care how they got him out but I wanted him out NOW! They were wonderful and were able to unlock the door within seconds. No window breaking required. Noah was still sleeping in the car when we got him out and didn't seem fazed by the incident at all but me, I am forever scarred. I felt like an unfit mother. All I wanted to do was hold him and kiss him and.... sink into a black hole. It was incredibly embarrassing to go back into that restaurant after I had just ran in there yelling like a maniac. I am so thankful to how fast the firefighters were able to get the scene and the way they so simply slipped that wonderful tool in the the door and opened it. They didn't make me feel worse than I already did and were very sweet. Thankful for my husband who tried to explain to me how it wasn't my fault (it was) and did his best to make me feel better. Thankful for the girls at lunch that tried so hard to not make me feel like a complete moron. Thankful for the delicious Sprinkle cupcake that helped to make everything better. But most importantly thankful for my sweet son that I haven't been able to set down since the incident.

And, I took the test and I am NOT pregnant. Praise the Lord!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day to the GREATEST

I know I say it a lot but I really married an amazing man!

He is an extremely wonderful father. In my eyes, he's the greatest! Levi works so hard for his family and is sacrificing so much right now to make sure his kids have the best future. I admire him for his selflessness and his tireless attitude. He has patience when I fail to. He sits back and enjoys them when I'm too busy stressing out. He sings to them when they're crying. He disciplines out of love. He adores our kids and would do anything for them....and I would do anything for him!

Happy Father's Day Levi. Thank you for loving our kids so much and being such a GREAT man.

Thank you to Levi's parents for raising such a wonderful man, just like his father! Happy Father's Day Blake.

Happy Father's Day to my dad. I look up to you so much! Thank you for setting the standard for the kind of man I wanted for my husband. You set the bar high! I love you!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Excuse me, Time, can you just slow down?!

First, some pictures from our family photo shoot in May:
(Does anyone get as frustrated as I do when uploading pics?)

As of yesterday my incredibly sweet mama's boy turned 2 months old. He is already 2 months old! I have been loving every single second of his helpless, cooing baby-ness and I just don't want him to grow up. My daughter is already counting, shape sorting, speaking full sentences and saying the alphabet as good as some of my kindergartners did (maybe even better) and that makes me incredibly proud but a little sad too. So can everything just slow down? Is it weird that I'm already thinking of the next baby? Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't want to get pregnant right now. Just the word "pregnant" makes me shutter and cringe but promising myself that there will be more to come is the only thing that keeps me from bawling every day at the realization that Noah won't stay my tiny "cling-on" forever!
Maybe my hormones are just still a little out of wack....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Famous first words...

A few things Gracie recently said that I don't want to forget...

Grace can count to 15 by herself. But lately she has been leaving out the 2 when she counts and I don't understand why. Yesterday I asked her to say, "1, 2, 3". She then said "1, 3, 4......15" I again said, "Gracie say it like mommy, 1, 2, 3" She then turned to me and said, "NO mommy, I don't want to say 2!" I guess she is purposely leaving out the 2!

Yesterday she was on a role and got a few spankings. She refused to let me see that they bother her. After one of her spankings she said, "No mommy I didn't want it on that leg, I want it on this leg!" And she points to her other leg for me to spank her again!"

Today she is at my mom's house for the the morning. I'm sure she is having a blast and getting way too much sugar and spoiled. I just know she is going to come home with a bag full of things "mamas" bought her at the store and probably some type of sweets that mamas baked for her. I am so thankful for my mom. What a wonderful grandma she is to my kids! I was so excited this morning to spend some quailty time with Noah and play with him but it seems all he wants to do this morning is sleep! I guess I'll just have to sleep with him! :) Have I ever said how much I love him! I adore him. He is so perfect. His smiles melt my heart and his sweet cooing instantly fades out any worries or stress I have about life. Its so great how each child you have is just double the joy! Love my kids!

I'll post some pics soon! I haven't gotten around to putting up the family photos, but they are on my facebook. My friend did such a good job! Thank you Heather!