Friday, February 24, 2012

Hang on and Keep Growing

I took this picture while on a family hike in New Mexico last year. I thought this tree looked pretty amazing, and I remember thinking, "Sometimes, you've just got to hang on and keep growing."

One day, when I am dead and gone, I picture my kids all sitting around the kitchen table discussing all that their dear, departed mother taught them.

And I'm pretty sure all they are going to come up with was how good I was at packing a box.

It Begins:
In November of 2010, for reasons too numerous to mention (and too selfish to think about) Vinny and I packed up the kids, left Idaho, and took a promotion in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Abq was fantastic! Sunny, TONS to do, great people, great culture, great weather... Vinny and I really loved it. The kids, however, did not. School was brutal for them. I cried each and every day that I sent them to school...and they cried almost each and every day when they returned. Not the kind of crying that kids do when they want to get out of something, but the kind of crying kids do when they are having their soul sucked out of them. Awful.

After four months of this, I joined the ranks of the clinically insane and started homeschooling my children. No, I had no idea what I was doing. I found a homeschooling group and, hoping for some support, took the family to see what Abq homeschoolers were all about.

I don't want to add to the stereotype, and I know that many homeschoolers are perfectly normal. Just not the ones in Albuquerque. That day I saw enough floppy boobs, kids named "Hummingbird", and anti-government bumper stickers to last me a lifetime. We only went once, and Vinny and I decided to go it alone after that.

It was brutal, but we did it. The Albuquerque school system was one year ahead of Idaho's. We had moved the kids in November, so for K it was as if she learned 2 months of 5th grade and then suddenly jumped into the middle of 6th. We spent the rest of the year doing nothing but school. We made up our own curriculum, based on Idaho and New Mexico's standards, and the poor kids worked their rears off well into the summer.

We had somehow ended up in the worst apartment in Albuquerque, and the schedule for Vinny's new job was crazy. We were all beginning to feel like we had followed the wrong promptings...or failed to see the lesson...or generally made a huge mistake moving to Abq.

Vinny and I decided that the kids and I would move to Arizona and he would follow as soon as a position opened. It seemed logical at the time. The company Vinny works for has their east area headquarters here. We believed that as soon as he finished his contract in Abq, Vinny could transfer to Arizona with us. His contract allowed him to transfer within the company after November 2011.

Then came Easter. We went to visit my dad and wicked step-mother (WSM) in Colorado for Easter. Now, WSM has been in my life for 24 long and miserable years, and while it has been her life's mission to keep my father from his kids, she periodically looses sight of her goal and is nice for a few months. This was one of those months.

WSM had always wanted to move back to Arizona and my dad thought he was getting transferred there. Since WSM didn't want to live alone, and my dad wouldn't be able to move there for months, they asked if the kids and I would live with WSM until Vinny was transferred. So during our visit, and in a moment of total insanity, we agreed that my dad would buy a house in Arizona and WSM, me, and my kids would all live happily together.

I admit it, this was a choice made out of desperation. I desperately wanted my kids out of Abq, and I truly felt like Arizona would be great for our family. I also knew that it would be difficult to support a household in New Mexico and one in Arizona. I felt sick about living with my WSM for most of the spring, and summer. Talk about a stupor of thought. My 24 years with my WSM told me that she was libel to turn into The Devil at any moment. But I did it anyway. And in July of 2011, I sold my soul to WSM for cheap place to live.

Three months into that bad decision, I was a beaten woman. I can't even go into the details without feeling so ashamed of what I allowed to happen. But I honestly felt trapped. Vinny could not leave because of his contract. I could not leave because I was broke. We were both at a loss and had started considering even crazier ideas than what got us there in the first place.

My Girls
I have spent most of my life feeling like I took care of people in my family. I honestly didn't think that my mom and sisters would fight so hard for me, but they did. That's how I found myself with my kids, rabbit, and parakeet in tow, checking into a hotel at 11:00 one night having just fled for my life from my wicked step-mother. By the next day I had moving money in my account, and a dozen people ready to move us into a new home that evening.

The Vacation Home
I had found a home that was under contract as a short-sale and signed a month to month lease. It was huge and beautiful and had a fantastic pool and we called it our "Vacation Home"...which it truly felt like after the nightmare of living with WSM. It was a wonderful time. We made as much noise as we wanted, rode scooters through the house, took long bubble baths in the giant tub, built forts that stayed up for weeks and generally fell back into the life that we knew. We spent Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all in that house, and in just the few short months we were there, we somehow reset our life as a family. Minus Vinny, of course.

But all vacations must come to an end, and while I was hoping we could stay there until Vinny was transferred, we had to move again. The sale on the rental house fell through and the original foreclosure date was reinstated. The new owners could have been real jerks and demanded that I was out within 10 days, but they decided to let us stay through the end of the year. To top it off, they showed up to help me move the last of my stuff (all that stuff that is left when no one else is there and somehow takes another 5 loads to get rid of), and before I drove away, the husband asked if he could offer a prayer then and there that my family would be reunited again. I cried and cried and it was one of the sweetest experiences of my life.

Perfect Fit:
That's how I came to be here, a tiny little house that fits us perfectly. I have learned so much this last year. I have learned that people are generous. Generous with their time, their money, their families, their support, their hearts. Even strangers. I have learned what Vinny really means to me and to our children. I have had some great things happen in the last year or so. I've also had some awful times, and it seems like blogs were meant more for bragging than telling. But there it is. My telling.

So where do we stand now? Well, the kids are in a fantastic school that I love, love, love. They are both doing good. K was just awarded a citizenship award from the Mayor and got a 3rd place on her 6th grade Social Studies Fair project. B has shot ahead three grade levels and just today we found out he does NOT have neurofibromatosis (a potentially awful disorder that his doctor thought he had). Little P and I spend our days soaking up the sun at local parks and marveling at the constant 70 degrees, sunny, 'winter'. They rotate who gets to sleep with Mom, although P usually ends up as a 3am party crasher no matter whose turn it is. Vinny has recently decided that it's time he and I shape up, so he has us both on a 60 day juice fast. That's a topic for another post. We have seen so many wonderful things happen this year. If I was keeping a tally, I'd still have to say the blessings completely outweigh the trials.

Vinny and I are still hoping he can get a job in Arizona, although he did just decide to apply for a transfer to a different state. So maybe I'm moving again? Honestly, we feel so lost at this point. It's almost terrifying to think about making another decision at all. They all seem to have turned out so poorly lately. But, only God knows what He has in store for us. Let's just all hope I get better at listening to Him.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pink Floyd

In the words of Pink Floyd, "Hello? Is there anybody out there?"

I'm considering blogging again and was wondering if people still knew I existed, or have I lost you all. What a sad thought.

Things have changed. Then changed again. And another time. There is so much catching up to do, I doubt it would be possible. But everyone enjoys a good summary, right? Maybe I'll consider it.

I think that I could really use the support/love/friendship of the blogging world right now. Besides, lets face it. Your lives were all much more interesting when you were reading all about mine. You're welcome.

Shoot me a comment if you're still around.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The General Consensus

Albuquerque is home to the International Hot Air Balloon Festival, which we think is great since the general consensus in this house is, "The bigger the balloon, the better".

Sadly, the annual festival takes place in mid October which is pretty disappointing for people who moved here in the beginning of November.

So when we heard that 100 balloonist were launching their hot air balloons over Valentine's weekend, we dug out our winter stuff, woke up at the crack of dawn, and dusted off our Ohhhh's and Ahhhhh's.

Before you go and look at all my beautiful pics, I need you to know one thing: Little K owns a very warm, very beautiful, very new coat. Let me say again, it's very warm, very beautiful, and very new.

Oh, and it's also very what she does not want to wear anymore, which is why she looks half-frozen in some pics and burritoed in others.

It was cold-ish, but we're tough. I guess our blood is still a little Idaho thick. We came prepared to face a crowd and ended up being one of three families there. Seriously.

This was the first balloon to launch. Ta-da! Can you actually believe I was up early enough to see this?

I love this picture of little B, little P, and little Scarf-faced Girl.

Our darling walking blanket. Complete with glasses and a hat.

Typical little P. Cold, hungry, tired, whatever...he's always good for a smile.

See the man in the background being drug across the field by a balloon? That was my favorite part of the launch. Every launching team has one person who's job is to hold a rope that is tied to the top of the balloon. As the balloon fills, they gently roll it across the field so the sides do not burn. As the balloon rises, they have to try and keep it from bending so they lean back and let the balloon drag them up with it. I had no idea there was so much involved.

Little B wanted me to take this pic as a balloon flew right over our heads. I think it's my favorite one of the morning.

We stayed for the whole launch (mostly just to prove the value of a coat to little K). It was amazing to watch the whole sky fill up with colors!

Just in case I wasn't thrilled enough by New Mexico's weather, or by the fact that they love really huge balloons, they decided to sweeten the deal and build (just for me, of course) a beautiful nature center right next to the Rio Grande River.

There are miles and miles of trails that follow along the Rio Grande. So of course we had to scout out a few...
...and I was sure to bring the wagon so little P would have something to pull. Why doesn't he sit in it? Pfft! Ridiculous people.

This is a spider little B found walking on a trail next to the Rio Grande. He decided to kill it, hollow it out, give it a pair of googly eyes and a flip-top back, and use it as his Valentine box. Such a resourceful child.
Somehow I was put in charge of the craft for little B's Valentine party at school, which made it really easy to bring home an extra craft for little P. Which he immediately put on upside down and did the impossible...he became even cuter.

Speaking of the impossible...who else out there is amazed that I just blogged...again?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Just One or Two...or 300

I recently started wondering why no one ever comments on my blog anymore. Then it dawned on me...I never write on my blog anymore.

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with all the catching up I'd have to do in order to bring this sucker up to date, so my SIL Shayla suggested that I just hit on a few key points. Eventually you'll all catch on, right?

So here it is, my life in a bulleted summary from last fall until now:
  • Our previous town was sucking away my soul, not to mention my gorgeous tan.
  • Vinny got promoted and we moved to sunny New Mexico.
  • I love it here. I love it here. I love it here. I love it here. I love it here. I love it here.
  • We live in a tiny little apartment.
  • The kids go to a HUGE school.
  • I lost 60 pounds at some point.
  • I gained 10 back at another.
  • I went on a fantastic "Farewell tour" on my way down here.
  • We had a blasty-blast at Christmas.
  • Little B got a 7 week old bunny. He named him Yoda. Yoda is now about 5 months old and the cutest little bunny on Earth.
  • My brother Julian (the one with no arms) was called on an LDS Mission to Rochester, NY.
  • My nieces and nephews are adorable.
  • Little P is gigantic.
  • My camera is busted.
  • I still call my brother Joe "The Liar Who Says I Ran Him Over Twice" and he still is. Just last week (when asked what caused his traumatic brain injury) he told a room full of doctors, "My sister ran me over...twice." Good thing my mom was there to set him/them straight.
  • I feel tremendously guilty for not even reading your blogs.
  • I've missed you all.
I'm sure that over the next little while, most of these bullets will be elaborated on. Feel free to ask questions. I'll feel free to ignore them and write about whatever I want.

Um, here's some pics. Just one or two...or 300.

We watched little T cream a few teams this year.

I busted little K watching t.v....while brushing her teeth...with a bird on her head.

I visited my little sister Britta in Ohio...where it is SOOO beautiful.

I met my niece Genevieve for the very first time. Don't think she's really my niece? Pfft! Just match those chubby cheeks to the other pairs of chubby cheeks in a future pic.

My BIL Mark, with Genevieve, Mel and little P. All rocking away on a porch in Amish country.

Peach freezer jam...which we could not take with us on the move. So I gave it away. I just GAVE away bottles and bottles of my frozen hard work.

Oh, and I also gave away bags and bags of my frozen hard work too.

But I suppose we did have a great time making all those bottles and bags of frozen hard work.

I know, I know. But it's not my fault that no one else has a child this adorable. I don't make the rules.

Vinny, with little K, B, and P (and me as photographer), at our very first...ever...corn maze. We had FANTASTIC time!

Little K's first day of 5th grade...dang blurry Blackberry camera. Grrr.

Little B and Vinny at B's first day of Kindergarten. Notice B's "I'm so horrified, I just may pass out" half smile.

Ugh! Tired, puffy, first day of school eyes. It took us a good three months to get B used to waking up before 10:00 a.m.

First day of school! No, wait... Halloween! Boxing champ, Punk Rocker, little China man.

Little P walking Yoda to meet B as he got off the bus.

Vinny's company moved us...packed us up and all. The only problem with this is how careful they are. Here we have a toy flashlight that was wrapped in a paper allllll by itself.

Little P thinks all the apes at the zoo look like they're praying...and he's right.

Little B looking like he's getting a little seal action at the zoo.

Little P in the hotel/apartment thing we stayed at our first week here. The bird is little K's parakeet, Chrissy. We all spent a week traveling together (me, three kids, one bunny, and a bird). Ugh!

It's official! Oh, and we found a dead snake right next to the sign. Creepy.

I was able to go to my cousin's wedding in Colorado Springs, Colorado on my way down here. These two hotties are my grandma and grandpa. Notice our matching chubby cheeks.

My oldest brother had been working out of town for a few months. Luckily the town he was in was basically on our way down here as well. We were only able to see him for lunch, but it was wonderful!

Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.

Mr. Yoda Whiskers, asleep in his littler box. SOOOO gross. I am happy to report that he no longer sleeps on his own poop. He is, once again, safe to snuggle.

I feel a little bad that I don't have pictures of some of the other people we saw or babies we met or places we visited. I (as usual) blame the children. I can guarantee I never THREW the camera across the room when someone asked for it. Or dropped it down the stairs when playing catch with it. Or spilled my milk on it. Or hit it against the wall while swinging it by the strap.

Yes, I blame the children, and if your feelings are hurt, you can too.

Glad to be blogging gain... whew!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I was perusing Craigslist in Alabama...long story...and came across this ad. I thought it was too sweet not to post, and reminded me that some of the best gifts don't require a penny.

It also reminded me that there are some very thoughtful people out there, Priceville, Alabama at least.

Free flowers (husbands and fathers only) (Priceville)
Date: 2010-08-07, 1:55PM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Over the last couple of years several people I know have announced they are getting a divorce for what seems to be trivial reasons. I decided there are multitudes of things in this world which can easily destroy marriages, but very few things that can easily help build it up, or edify it. I've decided to take action. I planted several rows of sunflowers in Priceville. If you would like to come by and pick a few flowers for your wife or daughter I will gladly supply them to you.

Better hurry! The heat is about to take it's toll on the blooms.

Just respond to this ad via email and let me know your intent and I'll be happy to assist in your efforts to improve your relationships!

  • Location: Priceville
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
image 1886110266-0

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Don't you quit."

My sister Britta told me of this video a few weeks ago. She said the story reminded her of Vinny and me.

She was right.

Lately Vinny and I have been feeling like no matter how hard we push forward, or how much we try to make our life better, something beyond our control will come and push us back down. It's getting exhausting, and I have felt each of us at times just wanting to give up.

I can't even tell you how many times I have watched this video in the past few weeks, but each time I hear him say, "Don't you quit." I feel strong again.

I feel like standing back up and pushing forward.

Maybe it will be the same for some of you. Maybe this video and story will remind you (just as it reminds me) that there really are Good Things to Come.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Trotting Through Yellowstone

In the last two months, Vinny has interviewed for new positions in Texas, Utah, South Carolina, Alabama, Maine, Arizona, and Ohio...just to name a few. When Vinny took this position we knew it was a 2 year gig, and those two years are up.

With a move (hopefully) looming on the horizon, we decided to head to Yellowstone National Park (only about 2 hours away) for our family vacation...just in case we live half way across the nation by next summer. After all, the only time we've gone there as a family, little B was only 1 year old. Shame on us!

We had a great time camping (if you can call a trailer with a toilet, shower, A/C, and oven, fridge etc. "camping") and spending time together. Most importantly, we didn't kill each other, so I call this vacation a huge success!

Any good post should start off with a picture of me. So here you go.

Wait, that's not me. Those are our first buffalo of the trip, looking lovely with the Teton Mtns. behind them. We spent our first night in Jackson Hole, WY. Fortunately, Vinny grew up in Jackson so we had our very own tour guide.

My dad, the connoisseur of Chuckwagons, told us that we just had to go to the Bar J Chuckwagon in Jackson Hole. Vinny and the kids had never been to a Chuckwagon dinner and show before and let me tell you....they LOVED it! Even little P was laughing, and he had no idea what they were saying.

We went on a wagon ride in the pouring rain, but luckily this non-covered wagon came equipped with umbrellas. You can thank little B for this pic.
Morning number 1 in the trailer. Hot chocolate and smiles for everyone!
If P had his way, we would have lived in the trailer forever. Everyone crammed into one room = bliss for little P.
Vinny's dad served in Desert Storm at the same time they lived in Jackson Hole, so his name (along with a handful of others who served at that time) is on a plaque in the center of town.

Just one more reason the kids think Grandpa is a hero!
Our little family by the plaque in the town center.
*sniff* This picture was taken just moments before little B was mauled to death by a giant stuffed bear.
Our personal guide took us to a little-known natural hot springs outside of Jackson. The only other group there was a family from Jackson catching tadpoles and tiny fish. So of course our kids joined in.Doesn't this picture look like a fake background with little B swimming around in front? Amazing!How picturesque! The Tetons, an old barn, and a herd of buffalo.
We saw a tiny forest fire being fought.
Our first Yellowstone picture together! In front of our first Yellowstone waterfall.
Can you tell that Vinny is SO embarrassed in this picture? Well he is.

Let's remember that he grew up making fun of all the tourists that got too close to the wild animals...and here he is, with his wife who is making him sit while holding his children, with his back to a herd of elk and his front to a whole crowd of people snapping away. Poor man. Poor, poor man.

My little K, looking lovely as usual, on the banks of Yellowstone Lake.
Little P plotting his great escape.
Yellowstone is so amazing! This is a close up of Bluebell Pool. It's amazingly clear!
And Black Pool.
Little B kept asking me to take his picture posed in front of....well, everything!
Me and little B, snuggled up to an elk. Awwwe!
As you can see, I was proudly wearing my "Forks" t-shirt. Oddly, I found that wearing this t-shirt is a great way to get teenage girls to stare at my chest. I was becoming a little self-conscious until a girl from Australia stopped me and asked if I was "...actually from FORKS?!!" Then I understood.
Vinny sporting his brand new BSU t-shirt little B had given him for his birthday that morning. The kids loved how easy he was to find in a crowd.
My little hikers.
The steam coming out of this geyser was so hot! It was almost unbearable to take this picture. Sheesh. Poor little B got dehydrated about 4 seconds in.
People travel days and spend thousands to see Old Faithful. My kids were more excited about their homemade seesaw.
But they did eventually pose as it went off. Oh, and Old "Faithful" was 15 minutes late. Pfft!
Vinny's b-day! Homemade, no bake Jell-O cheesecake, with only 24 candles, in a trailer in the woods. Can we party or what!?
Two cozy boys.
Little B by his favorite "paint pot." I think it was called Dragon's Mouth. So, of course he'd love it.
Mamma K and her two little boys. :)
I took this postcard...I mean picture.
Bison are seriously lazy. Honestly, didn't even move when P did his high-pitched shriek.
Um, this is a beautiful waterfall. There are a few of them there and I have no idea what their names are. So I will call this one "The waterfall by the lazy buffalo."
Although most of our family pictures make us look like one, happy, picture-loving family....this is what most of our first attempts looked like. Just keepin' it real people.
I don't understand many things in life. One of them is why P prefers to be folded in half and sit in his stroller with his knees by his nose. But, whatever keeps him happy.
My view for most of Yellowstone.
Little T was always happy, well until he got the "trotts." Hence the title. You see, little P took more than his jammies to Yellowstone; he took some kind of intestinal bug. And you know little P...always the sharer. So poor T spent a few days very grateful we were staying in a trailer...and not dependent on an outhouse. Um, I wasn't scared while we took this picture, but looking at it now makes me so nervous for my poor little family! Yikes! Too close to the edge.
A guardrail...much better.
All my cuties! It was a busy trip, but they really did so good...
...even when I made them pose with wild animals in the background (not to's just another lazy buffalo).
Close up of the lazy buffalo...who apparently decided to stand up. Ok, so I admit it. He does look a little more horrifying standing.
Um, another beautiful waterfall. We'll call this one "The waterfall by the staircase thing."
Little B looking awesome!
Little P trying to give me a heart attack.
I have a picture of little K and B in this exact pose, at this exact waterfall when they were 1 and 6. If only I knew where Vinny kept the old pics. Hmmmm.....
Little P won over the entire park. Seriously. We'd have people say, "Oh, I saw him yesterday and told my husband how adorable he was...etc." I have to agree. He's too adorable. *sigh*
Remember the Yellowstone Fire of 1988? This picture shows some of the trees that were burnt, but are still standing among the new growth. It was amazing to see how long it takes to grow a forest. The new trees seem so small compared to the old burnt ones.
I love moose. I think they are majestic and cute and amazing all wrapped into one. But I had never seen one in the wild before.

When we were in Yellowstone 5 years ago Vinny promised and promised I'd see one. When Yellowstone moose failed me, he even took me to a special place by Jackson Hole, WY (where he grew up) and said, "I've never been here where there has not been a moose."

Pfft! Until he took me that is.

So it became a running family joke over the years that all moose hide from me. Now, despite their avoidance, I have remained a huge supporter. I buy moose Christmas ornaments, moose knick knacks, stuffed moose etc. But after days and days searching for a moose, I became a little jaded.

By the last 15 miles left in Yellowstone, I had given up my quest for a moose. I began to take a few pics of "unusual wildlife that is not a moose" like this one...
...and this one...
And then I put in some earplugs and went to sleep. With about 10 miles left in the park, Vinny smacked me on the leg and started yelling, "Here's your moose!! Here's your moose!!"

There it was. A lovely moose all for me (and about 100 other people who had also stopped to get too close and take a picture). It was a perfect end to the Yellowstone part of our trip.

Thank you Vinny, who spent his entire time in Yellowstone peering through trees and meadows and ponds trying to spy a moose for me. He very easily could have kept on driving and never even woke me up. What a guy!
We were supposed to spend one night at a KOA in the town of West Yellowstone, MT and then move on to Craters of the Moon in Idaho. But some of us were still "trotting" if you know what I mean.

So Vinny cut the kids a deal and talked them in to spending a second night at the KOA...where we had sewer hook-ups, electricity, an indoor swimming pool etc. Um, it was a real hard sell.

Especially the part about the pool.
Which we went to a few times...
P petted a bear. He's so brave huh!?
We had campfire steaks, shrimp, and smores with the older two. Do you like the special aluminum foil plates I made everyone so we didn't wake the younger two? That's forks. See, we can rough it!
West Yellowstone, MT is also home to the Grizzly Bear and Wolf Discovery Center. When we were there 5 years ago, I remember that a bunch of kids got to go into the bear exhibit (after the bears had been removed...of course) and hide food for the grizzlies. So this time I called ahead to see what the heck all that was about.
Turns out for 2 whole dollars your child can hide a bucket of food for the bears. Since it was limited to the first 30 kids, Vinny drove into town at 7:30 in the morning to sign our kids up as it opened. It was only 46 degrees. Once again, Vinny is amazing!

Our kids were numbers 1, 2, and 3.
While they were learning the ropes of hiding bear food, I saw this little clipboard full of all kinds of horrifying things. It's a list of the bear/wolf sightings in the area. This page was three days worth. Yikes!
T, K, and B lined up with the Keeper Kids to hide bear food.
Getting their buckets (filled with dog food, cabbage, and some other stuff they could not identify).
Little B had a good plan...bury everything under rocks or toss it in the water.
K was the fastest of our kids, probably a little anxious to get the heck out of the bear cage.
And, as I had predicted, little T was the very last of all 30 children to finish. They had to come and help him finish up.

I tell you, this kid is thorough, but he put most of his food in the rocks close to the visitors. Because of him, everyone got a really good look at the bears.
"Sam" digging for hidden food in the rocks.
Bear butt. Sorry, I just had to.
"Illie" (Sam's sister) digging for hidden food as well.
It was an amazing experience for the kids...sure wish they'd let people over 12 feed the bears. :( Boo.

Oh, and there were wolves. Wolves are just not scary to me. Seriously, how tough can they be if they have to attack in a pack. Sheesh.
Speaking of packs. Watch out for these guys. Dangerous I tell you! Dangerous!
B tried and tried to get T to hold up both antlers...I told him we'd all just have to imagine the other one. Can you see it?
So inappropriate. My poor clueless kids. I told them this was a bear hug.
Finally, a trap that works!
Tipi's always sound so fun to kids. Then I ask them where the toilet is.
And that, my friends, was our summer vacation to Yellowstone. I was so worried we wouldn't get there before we moved. Watch, now that we actually went to Yellowstone, we'll end up living here for another 10 years.

Either way, it was a great vacation. I had a wonderful time making memories with my kiddo's and was once again reminded how amazing Vinny is. Family vacations are never really vacations for him. He does all the work, all the driving, and all the hard stuff. Without him, we never could have gone.

So thanks Vinny! You not only made our vacation possible, you made it fantastic!