Cana has learned to ride her bike without training wheels! She hasn't been on her bike much this summer. We got it out last week and challenged her to take off the training wheels. She said she would try. Chad helped her for about 5 minutes and she took off. We knew the bike was small enough that she could put her feet down if she needed to. Now, she is riding in the driveway and all around and is able to start/stop by herself. She is doing great!
All by herself...
Chad explaining the proper technique of balancing body weight...
This was our dog for ummm...about 5 days. I was mowing the yard last week and a dog came out from under Chad's truck. First, I thought it was a coyote. Ha! He looked really skinny, so I fed him some leftover dog treats we had from Sadie and gave him some water. He continued to stay around. On July 4th, we had finally decided to keep him and so we cleaned him up really good and the kids had already named him Jake. Well, when we got home from the 4th festivities...he was gone. We left the food and water out, but he hasn't come back. Too bad...Chad and I both thought he would have made a good dog. I guess he's just a wanderer.
For the 4th of July we went to Moulton to my aunt's house and the kids got to swim. Daddy, Wesley, and I went up to my grandparents house and visited with them since my Pappaw isn't doing too well right now. Then we went to Mt. Hope to visit with my Pappaw Fischer and the family. This is my Mom with my Uncle Stevie.
Cana playing "Miss Ma-ry Mac, Mac, Mac..." with Chad
And Chad participated in the corn toss game...
Cana and Clay playing each other with their DS's...
Jacob getting some advice from Pappaw...
My cousin Carrie's daughter, Megan... and my cousin Amy's daughter Hannah...
My Pappaw...
This next picture explains it all. Pappaw Fischer and family basically put on the fireworks show for the Mt. Hope community. People stop across the street in the church parking lot to watch our fireworks. The back of this truck shows the dedication we have to putting on a great show!
One side of the audience...
Amy and Carrie...