Yesterday, George and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. It seems like yesterday that George and I eloped to Tennessee and were married. We were married by a lady judge wearing a hot pink windsuit. I know it sounds a little red-neckish, but I didn't care. I only wanted to be George's wife!
After dating for a year and a half and being engaged for a year and George calling off the wedding once, it was time for him to make up his mind. It was time for action! I went to his work on a Tuesday and demanded a date. George wanted to wait until the fall when he had a break from touring with Diamond Rio, but I couldn't wait that long. I looked at his calendar and saw he had the coming weekend open and said to him, "Marry me this weekend or we're done!" Needless to say, he took me up on my offer. On May 21, 1993, we were married. It was the happiest day of my life!
A year later, on our first anniversary, we were sealed in the LDS Atlanta Temple. George has asked me a couple of times over the years if I would do it all over again with him and my answer is "YES!" everytime. Unfortunately for George, he's stuck with me forever! lol