Thursday, April 30, 2009

I spoke too soon

There is a lot going on!  Yea they started framing.  We drove by at 5:50 (they were still working!) on our way to LaMesa to find our lower level.  

Not much going on

Fingers crossed they will give us an early closing date!

Healthy Teeth

I told her she couldn't brush and eat at the same time.  


We went to the Zoo last Friday.  It was Amari's first time.  She was indifferent I think.  Oh well Ava liked it.  We have a zoo pass so I'm sure we will be there often this summer.  

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jump for joy!

I finally have a real website for my photography business.  There is a link to the right, or  check it out here  Tiffany Love Photography

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Bike

Ava's Papa promised her a bike for her birthday.  We had a 12 inch hand me down from her cousin that she out grew in about 2 weeks.  At that point she more or less gave up trying to ride.  So when Papa offered we started looking.  This is about the only 18 inch bike in Omaha and if you want one it's 40 bucks cheaper at Walmart than Toys R Us.  Last week we got the bike and a helmet and she was ready to roll.  So far so good, and we didn't have to cut holes in the helmet for her afro puffs.  Yet.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We tried

We will get a photo of them together one of these days.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Driveway

The neighbors house wasn't there 2 weeks ago!  I hope ours goes this fast!

The driveway, it's still wet.

She is still 5.

I don't like that she is so grown up.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


This is Ava's birthday present. She is about 2 inches long and she bites. Well only if you scare her. Amari LOVES her. So far so good. They only live for 2 years so we will see what happens.