
The Reveal

I finally have my computer back, here it is in the computer armoire.
Do you see anything different?

 It arrived in these boxes:

 Yep, hardwood floors!!!
I was hoping to show you nice pictures of a completed job, but they ran into complications and it became a huge project!

The old, dirty carpet was removed:

 This is the discovery of uneven surface not suitable for laying wood floors. In Florida the foundation of homes is a concrete slab. If it isn't perfectly even (if it rains on the slab while the cement is still wet) then this has to be fixed by pouring more cement to be smoothed out nicely. This has to dry overnight, then the next day it has to be sanded to a smooth surface.

I didn't get a picture of the huge sander (because I was hid out, undercover, with the dust storm flying everywhere!

See that layer of dust - it is on every square inch inside our house!!!

Fortunately most of the furniture was stacked in the garage, but all the blinds, chandeliers, etc. were exposed. Plus, we have very high shelves throughout our house that dust is on. About three weeks ago we climbed high ladders and cleaned these high shelves. Now we get to do it all over again! What fun.

 My dream of having new flooring has turned into a nightmare!! What should have been finished in three or four days is now at least seven days. We are living in a huge mess, furniture and accessories are stored in each bedroom.   Guest room:

Master bedroom:

That's the computer armoire, it has now been moved back to it's place.
Here's the back of it, from another angle:

Another angle:

Breakable things on top of bedroom TV armoire.

Does this look like an episode from Hoarders? I promise you it will be clean and organized SOON!

More stuff in the office/craft room:

One night the worker's tools, etc. was stored in this room as well:

Then the boxes of wood was stored in the guest room:

The Family room TV armoire is in the breakfast nook, along with the sofa:

View of breakfast nook from the kitchen:

The breakfast nook table and chairs are in the middle of the kitchen:

Another view of the kitchen:

and another:

and another:

This is how they left us Saturday, the family room floor, the exposed part is where the sofa goes. That will be finished Monday, but the sofa can't go back until Tuesday (after the glue dries.)
 Tools in the dining room:

Hopefully the wood will be laid in here tomorrow too.


Nice home tour, huh? I promise when this is all done and put back together I will take pictures of it looking pretty! That is if I survive all this work!!

Here's two shots of the high shelves I will be cleaning tomorrow:

Pray for me, this is a lesson in patience!!! I hope I pass the test.

Hopefully, by the weekend I can give an update, a happy one!


What's Up??

Can you guess what's happening here? This is our house without any accessories!

Empty curio cabinet in the dining room

Empty curio cabinet where my Madame Alexander dolls usually are in the living room:

                  Empty (almost) computer armoire, and antique sewing machine in the living room:

                                          Empty china cabinet in the dining room!

Any clues of what we are doing here (except a lot of hard work!!!)
 Stay tuned for the solution soon (as soon as I get my computer back!)


Let's Dish Challenge

 I always enjoy Kathleen's Let's Dish Challenge - coming up with what she tells us  to use! Click on her name for lots more inspiration.

I decided to use my favorite color yellow, with white for my two colors. 

 Bright yellow plates from TJ Maxx and polka dot plates were from there as well, years ago. Napkins from Kohl's.

I looked around the house for something special to use for the centerpiece.

What could be more special than the Blessed Mother? 

The silk flowers are from Dollar Tree

 Crystal goblets and crystal look flatware handles
 Love the yellows!

I almost used my yellow polka dot place mats, but decided the simple look on the Battenburg lace tablecloth was best. What do you think?

I'm also linking to Susan's Tablescape Thursday, click on her name for lots more fun.


Turn your brights on!

 It's been a while since I have done a tablescape. I'll be joining Kathleen's Let's Dish and Susan's Tablescape Thursday. Click on their names for lots more inspiration.

Several months ago I found this pretty flatware at Home Goods:
 The price was right!
 And look how pretty they are!

 I found these lime green plates at Dollar Tree a while back. Not bad for a dollar each, huh?

These bright yellow plates came from TJ Maxx this past year. (This photo shows the true colors better than the others.)

 You've seen the yellow polka dot place mats and the spring green tablecloth before, and they seem to blend nicely with the colors I'm using.

The centerpiece is a metal Mary Englebreit watering can filled with silk flowers

 and a cute little red bird. I found that cutie at Michael's a short time ago. 

Love it!

 All these nice colors came together pretty good and made a bright, cheery tablescape:

 The red napkins give a great pop!

 I bought all of these items at different times, having no particular plans for any of them.

 It is so much fun to "shop" the house and find things that go together!

I didn't want to go out and purchase more things, so I was delighted when it all came together!

 I hope you like this cheery tablescape!
