It's funny how a bad moment can ruin an entire day or a bad day can ruin a week. The truth is this only happens because we let it and my sad truth is, I did let it.
Tuesday evening the aforementioned sick gosling left us. I was a little disheartened but not terribly. I was not prepared for what I woke up to the next morning. Two dead buff ducks and an injured pekin. The culprit, one of our own dogs. I was sickened to say the least.
(The two remaining goslings and the injured pekin)
The dog has been moved to a more secure location but he will stay with the family. I have been told that even the best dogs go through this as puppies at least once. My goal is only once!
I made it through the day with a few tears, but I made it and the days since have not been that bad. I admit I'm not as enthusiastic as usual but we can attribute some of that to this cold May? I don't think I've seen that in Texas before. I once saw snow in June in Oregon though.
I have an update to the birds in the garage. I got a picture with the camera instead of the phone and you can see their ugly fuzziness. They have a high-pitched squeal that I can only hear when the door is opened but the kids can hear when it's closed. Hmm...I must be getting old.
Despite the setbacks and losses in our lives we go on. Each day is a new opportunity to learn, grow and experience life. Each day there is a new adventure. You can either live it, or let your setbacks steal it from you. I have lost two birds. I may lose a third, I don't know. What I do know is that a year from now they will have been replaced and we will finally begin reaping all that we are sowing today. So tomorrow I will get up, I will make sure all the animals are taken care of. I will water my garden and I will go on with my life facing each challenge head-on either with joy or with sorrow, but facing it knowing that each day is a gift from God.
La 3:22 It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.