Friday, February 14, 2014

January and Baby's Blessing

My birthday was the first week of January and Thomas spoiled me by getting me a waffle cone maker that he I always wanted. He is in waffle cone heaven and gets it out way too often.

Kimball taking baby on a "ride".

After a long break post-baby from preschool we are glad to be back at it. 5 other kids (6 with Henry, and 7 total at our house because Kimball participates too) come over for 2 hours twice a week to do preschool. It's so much fun and we love this group of kids.

Tummy time x's 3

On February 2nd we blessed the baby at church. He look dashing in the outfit that my mom made for Henry to wear 4.5 years ago.

Cousin love

Someone likes my homemade mac-n-cheese for lunch. Can you tell?

Macey made a color-coded dinner for her babies.

Perk of having all of the out of date bread at your disposal... baguette swords! HI-YA!

DIY hide-out

This preschool activity was a hit and I thank pinterest for it - spaghetti stuck in play-dough that the kids thread cheerios onto. They literally did this for a full 45 minutes...

And the chickens are doing great!

Even if their eggs don't fare as well...

And that's a wrap!

2013 Wrap Up!

Having a new baby is fun. Period. So much better than being pregnant :)

The monkeys and I made a "thankful tree" where we drew pictures of things we were thankful for all November and put them on the tree. I couldn't bring myself to throw away the leaves when I took it down... I kept every single one!

Perk of owning a grocery store... extra tags. Did I mention they are stickers :)

Popcorn that we grew was a bit of a bust. I planted it way too late so not much of it was mature enough to use when the weather froze. That being said, a little bit DID work. And we love it!

New baby holding on to his momma. Sigh.

Winter is long and a bit hard. We have no Target to escape to, no friends houses to play at, and no library story time... so sometimes we have a cake walk. And by cake walk I mean a string cheese walk.

CHRISTMAS!!! Baby wasn't happy for some reason but it was still so cute.

Spoiled. Rotten.

Goodie plates from heaven! This was round one. There were three round.

Christmas crafting...

Kimball took this picture, isn't it great! Henry is so kind and fun and handsome.

All the babies in one tub! That won't

We bought the kids a huge trampoline for Christmas. The weather perfect on Christmas Eve and I was tired of the box in the living room so we set it right up. SUCH a good idea... the kids jumped all afternoon while I finished wrapping presents and reading the books I bought to give to my mother-in-law the next day.

Best sprinkle eater ever. Seriously... I think they were their own food group in December.

Their dad is a ninja and made them an igloo.

 Henry made a train for baby Jesus (there is a nativity in the middle of the set).

Family Pictures 2013

 Photos by Ann, taken at The Shanty and in our garden!