One of the best decisions Utah has ever made was making Pioneer Day (July 24th) a state holiday. That means within 20 days we essentially have two major holidays. I love it!
Monroe throws a killer party for the 24th and it starts the day before - the 23rd, also know as Little Miss's Birthday.
We had a fun day planned and had a simple celebration of cupcakes and presents for Macey. She feels like all of the other festivities are in her honor, so she doesn't mind a birthday/holiday combo.
She wanted binoculars...
She also got Tangled (fun for us all!)
After cake there was a children't parade in town that we took the kids to. The theme was "Their past, Our future so I dressed the kids up according to what they would be in the future.
Future Cowboy:
Future Marine Biologist (I just wanted to use the octopus I made for her party...):
Future Mom: When I first asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up she told me "in the BYU Marching band!". I had no idea how to dress her up as that so I asked her what else she wanted to be and she said a mom. Cute!
After the parade we went to a block party our neighbors had. The actually closed off the street and had a band. It was awesome.
Thomas was in a basketball tournament that night with friends from church. They close Main Street in town and play right in the middle of the street! How cool is that? It's a night tourney that lasts until almost 3am if you keep winning.
The next morning, which is the actual holiday, we went back to main street to watch the parade.
Embarrasing story: we were sitting on the sidewalk behind some people who were sitting on the curb. The baby spilled a bottle of water that rushed down the sidewalk and got the bum of the lady in front of us all wet (and really dirty). She was NOT happy and we were so embarrassed. Good thing we didn't know her!
After naps we went to dinner at the football field with a band and drawings. CJ won HUGE and was excited about it. The evening wrapped up with awesome fireworks with our friends.
See, pretty great holiday!
On a side note, my baby is a climber.