Monday, February 7, 2011

A Little More Love...

We cut some Swedish hearts (click here for how-to!) to fill with some treats...
I can't let a holiday go by without a candy display!  The large ceramic 'cupcake' was from Target a few years ago.  The tulips in the back are my favorite flower!
I put the flowers on the porch every night, so the cold air would extend their short lives!  It rained...lovely.
These lovely old love letters find their place for Valentine's...written during the war from my grandfather to my grandmother...I have used these many times and need to put them in an archival safe book...but what fun is that?  They represent such a faithful, undying that withstood many hardships.  Notice the upside down stamp?  That means, "I love you!"
I think after the holiday is over, I will have made 200 chocolate covered strawberries for various reasons!  Don't these just spell 'LOVE?'
A stack of dish towels add some festive color.  The conversation hearts are going to my son's class for a Valentine's party!  I am not a huge candy fan, but chocolate, I love...the M&M's mixed with the nuts is yum!
For Valentine's, set out some lovely poetry books.  Read a poem to your honey!  This would make for good laughter in our home!  I may have my children read some to teach an appreciation for poems!

I love Valentine's!  It just seems so simple compared to other holidays.  I have fun decorating for it and I love to make it special for those right around me that I love so much!  What better time to think of little ways to say, "I love you!"

How are you saying those three little words to those you love the most?

Happy Valentine's!

Stop by and see Vanessa and Heather 

for their Valentine's series At the Kids Table.    They were very kind to show my Valentine's party from last year and their words...oh, so sweet!  I love these girls!  They are witty and funny and sisters!  I am lovin' what they have going on over there...good eats, good grief, good ideas, Simply Sunday...such fun!  Be sure to check it out!

Also, I will be linking to these fun parties!  There is some incredible Valentine's inspiration out there!

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Sunday, February 6, 2011


The Jordan River (

To cross from the Red Sea to the Jordan River on foot is about an eleven day trip.  It took Moses and the Israelites 40 years to get to their promised destination.  Why did it take so long?  

Obedience...or rather, it was a lack of obedience.
The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years and some, including Moses never saw the Promised Land...the promise of peace and rest...
I struggle with time management.  I never seem to have enough time.  I am always late.  Just a few weeks ago, I was pulled for speeding, because I was running late.  The nice policemen gave me a 'warning.' 
 A warning. 
I cried when he did...just cried!  My children thought something was wrong.  It prompted a lesson about mercy.  Mom deserved the ticket...the punishment...but the policeman gave me some mercy.  Just like the mercy the Lord gives us...we deserve the punishment, but in God's mercy, He sent His son to take the punishment for us by dying on the cross...I deserved that ticket...after all, I was speeding to go to 'Toy Story 3!"

This 'warning' began a search as to why I am always running and running and never seem to have enough time!

 I wonder if my running around in circles, always racing to the next thing, seemingly never having enough time is related to my lack of obedience. 

If I were obedient, would each day feel like 48 hours instead of 8 hours?"  I wonder.  Either way, the Lord has brought me to ponder all of this for a reason.  I plan to pray about it and continue to dig into His word.  In my pride, I think, "How did the Israelites not obey after God parted the Red Sea and provided the manna?" The Lord gently reminds me that I am no different.  He has blessed me beyond measure, of which I don't deserve.  He rescued His people and saved them from slavery, and He plucked me from the life I lived as a slave to this world.  I am no different.

Obedience.  It is what I seek...and maybe I will cross that Jordan and find that little place of 'calm'...peace and rest! 

The Lord said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt.  I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.  So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.  So now, go.  I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt. ~ Exodus 3: 7-10

I hope you have a peaceful and calm week!  Slow down and check your speed!

I am linking to Spiritual Sundays.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Little Bucket of Valentine's

My daughter loves to make her own Valentine cards for her friends.  Each year, I put together a little bucket or box of supplies for her to work on whenever she likes.  Michael's carries some great simple stock cards in pink and lots of stickers and tags.  The dollar bin has some really pretty things, too!  The shabby chic note cards and pen came from there!  The bucket came from Target last summer.

Happy Valentine's!! 

Can I say that now since it is February!

By the way, how do you like my new look...or should I say, look?  My blog never had a look!  Thanks to my friend Monica for helping me make a banner!  Yeah!  I have some color to my blog!!  I am more and more impressed with folks who work with computers! 

I am linking this to 'At the Picket Fence!'  Please go check out these sisters new blog!  It is awesome and off to a terrific start!!

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saying I Love You...

The vintage Valentine cards came from Books-A-Million.  The cut-out candy labels are free printables from the lovely Heather Bullard.
Small cards and gift tags, as well as, 'pretend' stamps were purchased from Michael's.  The chocolate covered Oreos came from Homegoods.
Supplies and ribbon are ready...
and treat bags from Target, too...
to make our own Valentine's...
and to say, "I love you!"

 When we celebrate Valentine's Day, we will open the little box and share the letters!   The only instructions were that each child is to write down things that they love about someone else or just simply say, "I love you!"  We will write cards to their classmates separately, so this project is to share the love in the family!  My kids are young, so they love this kind of stuff!
Do you have any special ways of celebrating this sweet holiday? 

I will be linking to these great sites all week!  Join the fun and see all the great ideas!  Thanks to all the ladies who graciously host each week!

A few tips:  Buy supplies after Valentine's Day for next year.  We have to make a lot of Valentine's cards (three kids mean three classes of friends!), so I stock up when the supplies go on sale.  Organize them in a little box for easy access.  I purchased the little wooden box at Hobby Lobby for less than $4 on clearance.  It is perfect for small cards and tags!  Many stores (Target) have little individual mailboxes, so you could have a mailbox for each person in the family.  Of course, you could use the familiar shoe box!  That always works and kids love to decorate those, too!

Thank you for this feature!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love is...

What is your favorite LOVE poem? 

Write it out on a chalkboard and spread some love!

Have a great day!

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Monday, January 24, 2011

How do You Spell Love?

I asked the children to gather things to spell 'LOVE' for their dad on the little sidewalk leading to our front door.  What a nice little surprise when he got home from work!  He works so hard for our family and we are taking this month leading up to Valentine's Day to spell 'love' as many ways as we can!

So, here is my challenge to you!  Spell 'LOVE' to those around you!  Try to do it every day leading up to Valentine's!  I bet these little acts will mean the world of a difference to someone!

We will share other ideas as we go along!

Have a wonderful day!

I am linking here!

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Sweet Treats

 It is a good thing I don't love sweets, because I sure do like to have them around...for their looks!  Candy is so pretty! 

I love to decorate for Valentine's!

 I separated out some of the conversation hearts and displayed them in a little tray. The tray came from IKEA.  The pink bubble gum came from Wal-Mart (wedding section last year.)  The large conversation hearts came from Cracker Barrel. 

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