Saturday, February 23, 2008
Blueberry Muffins
Posted by Smolkaville at 10:12 AM 1 comments
Posted by Smolkaville at 10:07 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I've Been Tagged
Who do I love? Timothy D. Smolka
How long have you been married? 5 1/2 years, time sure flies.
How long did you date? 11 months total, dating plus engagement. I believe we were engaged after about 7 1/2 months of dating.
Who said "I Love You" first? Ooo, that's a toughy. I want to say Tim, but he'd probably say that I did.
Who's taller? Tim
Who can sing better? Definitely Tim. He sings all of the time, whether it's in the shower or to Carson, the boy likes to sing. I can carry a tune, but I can't really sing out very loudly. Remember Jason Knapp's missionary farewell Nika? :) We'll just say that I stick to singing in larger groups if I sing at all.
Who is smarter? Again, that would be Tim. Not that degrees are everything, but he's currently getting his MBA, where I've only gotten my Associates. Good thing real estate school wasn't that difficult. We'll just say I have different kinds of smarts.
Who does the laundry? Yeah, I win this one.
Who pays the bills? That would be me again. Tim helps me if I'm disputing a charge on a bill. He can always get our account reimbursed.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Tim
Who mows the lawn? I do. I grew up doing it, after Vic went on his mission, so I don't mind it. Plus it's an excuse to get outside and get a nice tan. Just turn on the ipod for some nice tunes and off I go.
Who cooks dinner? Me. I get sick of it every once in a while though. Anyone have any new good recipes? Tim does make a mean french toast.
Who drives? Tim does when we're out and about together or on dates, but when it comes to long distance road trips to California, it's all me. I get car sick doing anything in the car. Tim on the other hand, can read, work on his laptop, etc.
Tim is such good husband and dad. He's very affectionate and a blast to be around. He does such a good job providing for our family and we're grateful for all he does.
Now I will tag Susie, Nika, and Carly!
Posted by Smolkaville at 11:37 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Since I'm so new at this and I'm just starting now, I thought I'd post some pics from our Hawaii trip as well as the holidays from last year, just to have something to look at. So I know everything is a bit out of order, but we're going to go with it. Enjoy!
Posted by Smolkaville at 1:18 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Helper Boy
Carson watched me paint his bathroom so now he likes to carry around the paint roller and pretend like he's painting. I think he has about three that he'll carry around.
Posted by Smolkaville at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Our Little Climber
Carson is your typical 2 year old boy. He loves to climb onto everything. His latest consists of moving the kitchen barstools around as well as Mommy's excercise step box to help him in this endevour. He's very determined. His latest adventure was into the the spice cabinet. He pulled the lids off of each and every spice so he could sniff them. He has to sniff everything. For those of you who have seen Ratatouville, he reminds me of the main rat who has to sniff everything before he adds it to his dish extravaganza.
Posted by Smolkaville at 9:44 AM 2 comments
Here We Go...
Okay everyone, you finally broke me down, here's the Smolka Family blog. You'll have to bear with me because I'm so new at this, but hopefully I'll get the hang of it. I figure this is a good way to keep long distance family and friends posted on what's been going on. Needless to say, I am officially a blog convert.
Posted by Smolkaville at 9:02 AM 0 comments