Carson and I went to the Weber County Fair with Harm and Josh in August. Josh's brother was competing in the "Fair Idol" so we went to listen and help cast our votes. He ended up making the top five actually. Carson had fun dancing to the music as well as experiencing all the new scents that the fair has to offer and I'm not only talking about the cows and pigs. I didn't think anything beat the Lagoon crowd on the weirdo factor, boy was I wrong!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Weber County Fair
Posted by Smolkaville at 1:54 PM 5 comments
Fun with Bryson
Back in July my little brother, Bryson came to town and stayed for ten days. He spent half the time with us and half the time with Harm & Josh. Carson was his little shadow. Even when Bry had to run to the restroom, Carson was there. We had fun playing guitar hero, going to the park, swimming, and going to Lagoon. I have a few more pics that are on our other computer (the one that is currently out of commission), but I thought to myself, hey I can still upload what I have on my camera. It only has taken me how long to figure that one out?!
Posted by Smolkaville at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mommy Bites
I have to share a funny story that happened this weekend. To start off, Carson has turned into a biter. If he's mad at me, he not only hits but he has started biting. Time outs don't seem to be phasing him so I've had several people tell me that I will need to bite him back. I've been putting it off because the thought of biting my child sounded horrible to me. So anyway, last weekend Carson was having one of his meltdowns and bit me. I had HAD it and I went ahead and bit him back. He smacked me in the face afterward and then he just started sobbing, like a "How could you do that?" sob. He gave me a big hug and I felt horrible but proceeded to tell him that ya, biting hurts! The next day, we had a wedding to go to, one of Tim's friends. While we were at the reception, a lady came and asked Carson if it was okay that she sat next to him. She then went on to say, "It's okay, I don't bite." Carson turned to her and said, "Mommy does." I about died! I don't think the lady heard him or understood him thank goodness, but talk about a mortifying yet hilarious moment in the adventures of motherhood.
Posted by Smolkaville at 1:31 PM 10 comments