Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pack's Pumpkin Patch

This last Monday we got together with the Park's and the Grimm's at Pack's Pumpkin Patch in Farmington. There was a fun hay maze for the kids to run around in and we were able to pick out some pumpkins to take home. It's always fun getting together with friends we don't get to see as much anymore. (I apologize for the sideways pictures. I pulled them straight from my camera so they didn't make it to a computer beforehand to get rotated.)

Studious Carson

Tim was home one night working on homework and so Carson decided that he too needed to be studying. He went into the office and pulled out a church book on the Articles of Faith and sat at the table to read. Maybe he's trying to tell me something? I better get studying my scriptures.

Final Lagoon-a-Beach Days

Chillin' on the Lazy River

This was our last Lagoon-a-Beach trip of the season.
It was right before Tim started school again.
As Carson and Daddy would say, "This is the good life!"

Binky Fairy

So it looks like I'm doing a once a month post these days rather than a once a week. I do apologize. Our computer is still out of wac and it's throwing off my photo organization and it's driving me insane! I'm looking through my camera and can't remember when some of the pics were taken so bear with me on the next few posts.

I guess I should get into the reason behind the post title. Over Labor Day weekend, my sister Shelley came to town, she e-mailed me copies of the pics we took while she was here, but they're still on my e-mail because I don't have a computer to save them to. Anyway, with her added support, I decided that it was time for Carson's binkies to go bye-bye. He had seen a toy guitar at the store that I told him he could have, but only if we could call the binkie fairy to come and get his binks. After we purchased the guitar, he immediately wanted to play with it when we got home. I told him he had to bring me all of his binks first. He said, "Binky fairy will give them right back?" I told him no, they're gone for good. After the wheels turned in his head for a few minutes, he handed them over. All seemed great and dandy until later that night, bedtime. He told me he wanted the guitar to go back to the store. Luckily he didn't throw any major fits for the binks to come back, it was just a rough two weeks to get him to fall asleep without them. Needless to say, we survived and are currently almost 60 days binky free! If you ask Carson now what happened to his binks he'll say, " The binky fairy took them and gave them to the new babies that need them."