So our Easter weekend, we'll just say was less than ideal. We did have some good moments don't get me wrong, but it was a little rough around the edges. It all started Saturday mornning. I was planning on taking Carson to the Kaysville Easter Egg Hunt in the morning, but he woke up around 6:00 am throwing up and continued to do so until about 10:00 am. He then got up and was acting like his normal self so we continued with the plan of going to Grandma's to celebrate that evening and then I started feeling sick to my stomach. We still went into Grandma's cuz being sick to my stomach has been a pretty normal thing this pregnancy. So we still went, ate dinner, dyed easter eggs as well as had an easter egg hunt. Carson then said his head hurt and shortly after threw up again. Needless to say, we kept him home from church on Sunday. Tim went to Sacrament then came home so I could go teach my YW lesson. Carson and Mommy are now doing much better, it must have been a 24 hour bug that we just HAD to get Easter weekend...RUDE!Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Lanie's
Dying Easter Eggs
Easter Morning: We'll get the nice, dressed up photo next week. :) The highlight of his basket was the movie Bolt. These days he is NOT Carson, he is BOLT the dog.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Easter Weekend
Posted by Smolkaville at 8:58 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
All I can say is, YIPEE!!!
So I think the time has finally arrived, Carson is going to the bathroom in the potty! For those of you who weren't aware, I've been on this kid's case for MONTHS now trying to get him to use the big boy potty and he's refused. So Sunday night, we got him out of the bath and he was just hanging out in the nude with some blankets around him. I went in the other room to get something and then I heard, "Mom I pooped". I was nervous that I was going to find a little something on my carpet, but to my oh so pleasant surprise I found him on the pot. So Monday and Tuesday roll around and he wants to wear a diaper so I started to think that it was a one time thing. So last night the same thing happened, bath, blankets in the buff and poop. Carson continued going in and out of the bathroom until about 11:30 last night. Each time I think a few drops of pee came out he came running excitedly down the hall to tell us that he went in the toilet and wanted to put a sticker on his chart and get a gumball. Needless to say, he went again this morning and continued all day long. We were even out running errands like crazy today. I made sure I asked him at every stop and he did have to go a few times while we were out and I'm pleased to say that he's been accident free all day. Oh how I've waited and waited for this day to come! Hopefully the trend will continue tomorrow...
Posted by Smolkaville at 8:02 PM 9 comments
March Madness
I can't believe the month of March is already over! We had a busy month with family in town, it was great. My older sister, Roshelle was in town and then Tim's Dad came to town and then my parents and Bryson were here. It was so much fun spending time with everyone and Carson especially loved it, I think he gets bored with his Momma sometimes. :)
While my parents were here, we decided to throw a last minute baby shower for my little sister, Harmony so my Mom could be here for it. My Mom made the cutest "diaper cake" for Harm. For those of you who haven't seen them before, it's a non-edible cake made out of diapers that you decorate however you'd like. We added some onesies, socks, binks, and a little toy. I had never heard of them before so when my Mom showed me what they were all about I thought Harmony for sure needed one. I love how Harmony and I are only a week apart yet so different in size. :) That girl is still wearing her normal jeans...I was out of those LONG ago. My wardrobe is so sad these days, I'm down to only a few shirts and pants that fit me. Only a few more weeks, only a few more weeks.
I also put my Dad to work while he was here, he installed our water softener for us. Carson LOVED being Gpa Ed's little helper. I've included a picture of him at Home Depot putting random pipe pieces together while my Dad collected all the parts and pieces he needed. This kid is ALL boy.
Posted by Smolkaville at 7:20 PM 0 comments