Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Time Already?

First time out to Lagoon A Beach! Hello Summer!
Darth Carson here. Carson loves Star Wars right now. He'll walk around with a towel over his head, carrying his light saber pretending to be Darth Vader or Aniken, depending on the day. Some days he's even a battle droid with his backpack on carrying his water gun.
Tessa enjoying her little pool. I didn't think she'd like the cold water from the hose, but she didn't seem to mind it at all. She just laughed and splashed away.

Carson's Preschool Graduation

My baby's all grown up and graduated from his first year of Preschool. It was a cute little ceremony. Each of the kids recited a different poem that they had learned throughout the year. I was impressed! Thank you Miss Darcy for a wonderful year!