Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Adam Curry Caught Changing Podcasting History
I cant stand adam curry...and for no good reason. This guy just seems to want to take credit for all of what podcasting is today. I am NOT a fan.
Cold Times In The Windy City
Speaking of downtown...its been nice being back downtown. Been working here at my new job since Halloween, and its been great. Nice environment, good boss, nice pace...doesnt hurt that i work 715-4 either. I do have to say, one of the most disconcerting parts of working downtown is seeing the homeless/panhandlers around union station. I have sympathy for those less fortunate than myself, however, when i see the same people begging outside union station day in and day out, i really wonder if they are even trying to turn themselves around. Seems that asking for handouts is all they know how to do. Sad, really.
Podcasts are going strong. Taverncast keeps going, up to almost our 14th episode. GCO is on hiatus right now because of some wierd goings on with the crew. We are working really hard to revamp the show, find some new staff, get things going again. Im estimating about 7-800 listeners at the moment. Not bad, im happy about that for something that i pretty much created, recorded, edited, hosted all on my own. Look for GCO Season 2 to come in January.
Bears are kicking ass and taking names. 8 game winning streak. Beat the packers. #1 ranked defense. #1 in the NFC North. #2 in the NFC. I couldnt be happier. /tearsofjoy
Going to vegas again middle of january with the folks. Should be a good time. Star Trek experience, here I come! We are staying at the Orleans for the weekend, going to see Tower Of Power again, and will bask in the warmth. I cant wait :D
Christmas is coming, and it seems that an iPod Video is in my future....cant wait! Will let you all know if it is new hotness or old and busted after december two five.
Back to work now, hope everyone is doing well! Stay warm out there, and have a good holiday!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
My oh My oh My.....
First and foremost, alot of people got ahold of me after my last post. Thanks for all the concern. Those of you who i talk to on a regular/semi regular basis know the story. All in all, needed to move on from the job i was at a very short time. Long story short, i am in a way better positions and at a way better company. Its been a very dramatic few months. Hopefully the drama with that is over now, and things will settle down a bit. Im starting to feel not so burned out, and that is a very very good thing.
GameCast Online is going well...just hit episode 8, and listenership is very heavy. The crew is now 3 people strong, and we have anywhere between 700-1000 listeners. Check it out at www.gamecastonline.com or search for gamecast on iTunes in the podcast section!
In other podcast news, I've been asked to join the cast of Taverncast(www.taverncast.com) full time, which is awesome. These guys and gal are the ones that got me started in podcasting, and them asking me to come on their show was one of the nicest things people have ever done for me. Eloy, Kirn, Cromley and even Karg are really cool, and I totally look forward to helping with this INSANELY popular podcast!
Chicago is chicago. Wind, cold, rain, snow, etc. Been a normal fall, and since the time change, the hwole sunset thing is killing me. By the time i get off the train near home at 515, its already pitch black out. Winter doldrums are coming, blah. Hopefully this winter will have snow, so things arent so grey and dark. The white spices stuff up :) Its pretty awesome working right next to the sears tower. I get to walk past one of the most amazing wonders of the world at least twice a day, when some people rarely ever see things taller than 3 stories. WOrking downtown is one of the best things i could have ever experienced. Taking the train in every day, walking through the city, seeing all the different things, having lunch with my mom....its truely an awesome experience. I wouldnt trade it for anything.
World of Warcraft is going going going....have my hunter on whisperwind up to 56. Cant wait to get them to 60. Should be fun to do the end game content. Pod People guild is huge too, over 230 memebers. /boggle. Being a guildmaster sure is alot of work for that many people. I know, i know, wah wah wah.
Little emily is doing well too. Healthy, growing, and has started rolling over :) I love playing with her, shes got the cutest noises and stuff now. Great times! She likes sucking on my finger, though....not sure how i feel about baby slime.
On that note, ill kill this entry. Hopefully going to get this updated a bit more since things have slowed down. Hope all are doing well!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Bad Day
Yo 6 o'clock every morning you waking up yawning
To the sound of your alarm clock alarm
About an hour from now
You should be at the place of employment
Which is annoying cause it's so boring
Your co-workers are talking too loud for you to ignore them
It affects your occupational performance
You wonder why your work load is so enormous
Because your boss just laid off three quarters of the whole office
People get depressed, they get ulcers
From the stress that the corporate environment causes
Regardless of how you ultimately wanna solve this
Seems to me like you've got one of four choices:
You could take a new job offer for more chips
Stick it out a little longer or forfeit
But my advice to anybody that wants to quit
It'll feel much better if you say it like this:
Take this job and shove it
I ain't workin here no more
Take this job and shove it
I ain't workin here no more
Take this job and shove it
I ain't workin here no more
Take this job, take this job, take this job and shove it
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
My Man Bryce...
Mr MoodVertigo, aka Bryce has some great posts on his livejournal he dug up for me. You have to check them out.
Fun at Whole Foods
Fun at the Democratic Primaries