Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Warm sunny beaches??? Not so lucky this time I guess. We are making the best of the rainy overcast weather. Rainforests-- apparently they are so green and beautiful because it can really come down-- we were SOAKED--but had a great time hiking/showering in one. The beaches are deserted--but we're die hards- we're enjoying this vacation rain or shine. The first day we had some awesome waves. We'll enjoy the humid rain for now-- we'll be coming back soon to snow it looks like.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Recent update

Kennedi has started rice cereal-- she likes it mixed with pear juice and likes to eat it while sucking her thumb-- which is so cute--but messy! I am so glad that she is such a good baby!! Charli dumped out her bubbles in the bathtub, so we tried something new. We put dish soap in a bowl with water and let her blow in it with a straw-- she had a blast! And it was awesome because when she was done-- she used a washcloth to clean up the table. However lately Poor little Charli has not been quite so chipper! Charli has been sick for the last 10+ days with a cold, sinus infection, reaction to antibiotic which includes a mouthful of sores which makes it impossible for her to eat anything but hot chocolate. We've spent over 100$ on medications that she can't/won't take. Is winter/sick season over yet? Oh wait--it's just beginning! Yea! I feel so bad for the poor little thing-- but I had to get out of the house-- so luckily I have a great husband who is taking his turn so that I can go to the library and blog. Hey-- when you live in Bear Lake-- it's the smallest things that make a big deal!

Crafty Me

So I never had any idea that I would be on the path to becoming the next Martha Stewart-- but I kind of feel like I am! Just kidding-- that couldn't be farther from the truth--- but I have been busy lately doing all sorts of fun crafts. I have to give credit to my sister-in-law Julie for the Cornocopia-- that was all her.. I glued it together. And I have to give credit to my sister Tara for introducing me to modge-podge (Johnny is really worried that I'm going to start modge-podging the walls and ceiling and floors) And finally I have to give credit to Studio 5 for some of the other ideas. These are just a few of my latest projects... (more to come) (Most people make stuff for people to see in their house--but since we don't really get many people visiting the north pole of Utah... I have to show them off on my blog)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Favorite Book

Charli loves this book-- Llama Llama Red Pajama! It is so fun to read with her! She can recite most of the book complete with facial expressions as you can see. If you haven't read this (and you have a child) you should!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ladies in Red

So, now that I'm a stay at home mom-- I've got time to make all the cute little flowers and bows. I made these red flowers for the girls and thought I might as well go crazy taking pictures of them too. I love the girl thing-- maybe I shouldn't ever have boys....

(Sorry-- I'm lazy and I've only got an hour to do all my "internet stuff" at the library-- so you'll have to turn your head to look at some of the pictures)

Happy Halloween

For Halloween, Johnny and I got in on the fun with the kids. Johnny dressed up as Superman and so I had to go as his girlfriend-- Lois Lane. Charli was a beautiful sparkly ballerina and Kennedi was bundled up in a pumpkin. We went trick-or-treating at the KOA. I think I'm going to invest in some eskimo costumes for the whole family... Bear Lake in October is not weather for a cute little tutu... unfortunately.