Melissa's Shower
I'm home from Utah now, but I thought I'd still post a few pics from our trip. Saturday was a lot of fun! I was able to go to my friend Melissa's baby shower. I was so excited that it happened to be the same weekend I was in town. Melissa and I have been friends since junior high. We were roommates at BYU and now we are related:) Melissa's husband is Tom's cousin and so we get to see each other at Winder family parties. It's really fun because we had one on Saturday night so I got to hang out with Melissa twice that day. Melissa is having a baby girl, Hannah, in December and I am totally excited that Hannah and Ainsley will not only be best friends but cousins too:)Jessica, Shae, Melissa, Rachel, Natalie with Addison, and Jessica with Kasen
Shae is my oldest friend. We met when we were four years old. Our families have lived in the same neighborhood for 21 years. Shae and I have done everything together-we were even baptized on the same day.
Tom's family (the Winders) have an annual Halloween party and I think it is the favorite party of the year. It is tradition to have chili and french bread, play candy corn bingo, and play the favorite candy/dice game. Everyone in the Winder family gets really into it. I think this year was the first time I didn't dress up. There are are always some great costumes. Ainsley went as a bumblebee.
Sunday Dinner
On Sunday I spent the day with my family. I got to go to my home ward with my parents and Cami. My parents have been in the same ward for the past 21 years, but I haven't been to it in a couple of years and so it was a shock for me to see how grown up most of the kids were and how many people had moved away. After church, all of my siblings came up for dinner, as well as my grandparents. It was so good to see everyone. I didn't realize how homesick I had been until I got there. I have missed everyone so much. I feel really lucky I got to see so many people this week. I was only in town for 5 days but I saw both families, all three sets of grandparents, the Winder extended family, my old ward, and most of my friends from highschool. It was a very successful trip. Now only 7 more weeks until Christmas...but hey, who's counting?