Saturday, February 28, 2009

One Messy Girl

This is what you get when you try to feed a tired baby. I don't think she particularly liked this blend of "Chicken Noodle Dinner" and so she would try to block it with her hands. Then she would promptly rub her messy hands all over her eyes because she was so tired. By the end of the feeding this is what she looked like. You can't really tell from the picture, but it is also in her hair. She may look happy now, but she was a real grump when I tried to clean it all off.

Here are two short clips of our day yesterday. Ainsley's first and only word on command is, "Da Da." It's really cute and makes Tom really happy. She cries "Mama" when she is in her crib or wants me to pick her up. But she won't repeat it when asked yet. The second clip is of my horrible singing (please ignore) But Ainsley and I sing songs all day, especially while she eats as a way to distract her. Well, I have discovered that she recognizes and likes certain songs because she will smile when I start to sing them. Her favorite seems to be "Itsy Bitsy Spider" because of the actions. But when I am feeding her, I can't do the actions with her, so she has started to do them herself.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cell Phone Mania

Ainsley is obsessed with my cell phone lately. She's always loved it, we used it to entice her to roll across the room for the first time . But lately, whenever I talk on it she starts to scream for it. I have to leave the room in order to hear what the other person is saying. She gets so excited and tries to grab for it anytime it is near. We gave her our old cell phone to play with, but somehow she knows it is just a toy and still wants the real thing. I think she likes the lights and colors of the real one. She loves to look at her picture on the screen and push all the buttons because they make sounds. She has accidentally called family members on speed dial many times. After a phone call with Tom today, I turned the phone off and let her play with it for about a half hour. She was in heaven. Here is a little video of it:
Ainsley is still not crawling but she does like to hang out on her stomach much more than in the past. I was trying to entice her to crawl to the cell phone again, but she just decided to lay down and chill instead.

This weekend was a lot of fun. My friend Laura and I helped throw a shower for our friend Marin who is having a baby boy in April. Laura made delicious cinnamon rolls and we ate some of Marin's favorite foods such as nutella and waffles. We played a few games and watched her open gifts. We are excited for her and wish he best of luck in the last month of her pregnancy. Here are some of my new friends who are in my ward at the shower.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Next Birthday!

Look at this great cake that I hope I get for my next birthday! (courtesy of cake wrecks) You wouldn't think my name is that hard to spell, but I do sometimes get random spellings (most commonly it is mistaken for Brittany) but I think this is the most creative. Glad I learned phonics as a kid.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines!

We had a great Valentines Day this year. A club at Tom's school offered free babysitting so we were able to have a great date on Valentines. We went to a pizza place called Buccato's Smiling Teeth. It was pretty good. Then we tried to get a movie from redbox, but ended up watching one of our own. We also enjoyed our favorite chocolate cheesecake pie for dessert. It was delicious!

Thank you to our families for sending us Valentine's packages. It made us feel so loved. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Reese and Aunt Annie for all of the cute clothes for Ainsley! She wore her Valentine's outfit that day and got many compliments. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Butler for the souvenirs from Hawaii! We loved the chocolates and jewelry! Ainsley also loved the little Valentine's dog. Here she is giving it loves.
Hope everyone had a great holiday! We love you so much!!!

P.S. Reeses-We hope you enjoyed your annual President's Day "Movie-a-thon" (ha ha Dad). We are so sad we missed out this year! Did you make it through all the movies or did you guys fall asleep again?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adventures in Napping

I haven't had anything to post about the past few weeks. Nothing new or exciting has happened in our lives. Tom is busy with school and looking for an internship. Ainsley and I go to the library, playgroups, or hang out at home. She had her nine month appointment today. Everything looks great. Here are her stats:
Weight: 19.2 lbs. (75%)
Height: 29.5 inches (95%)

I took the following videos on Sunday. We had gone to lunch at some friends house and when we came home at 4:00, I figured she would be exhausted because she had only napped for about 45 minutes during church. But I think she was overly tired which had turned into her hyper stage. Everytime I went in, she was talking to herself and rolling all over the crib. She doesn't usually do that. She is usually a really good napper-falls to sleep without much whining. But not this day. I eventually took her out of the crib, gave her some rice cereal and about an hour later she finally went down. Anyway, if you want to check it out, here it is:

Lastly, my friend Jessica told us about this really funny blog about professional cakes that turn out horrible. Tom and I stayed up until 1:00 one night laughing so hard at some of them. Our favorites were links under "Categories" on the right hand column. We especially loved the "Misspelling" and "Literal LOLs" Her commentary is also hilarious. If you haven't seen the blog before it is called Cake Wrecks, click here to check it out!