To get ready for the baby, we bought Ainsley a "Big Girl" bed which she loves. It is just a mattress and box spring right now since we will be moving in a few months so it is perfect size for her to get in and out of by herself. She loves to run and "crash" on it. I pulled out the twin bedding set that matches her crib set. She loves to help me make her bed every morning and is fascinated by the decorative flower pillow that goes on top. She calls it her "Sprinkle" pillow and asks to sleep on it everynight. She doesn't understand that it is just for "decoration."
We had to do a lot of rearranging to make room in our already cramped apartment for the upcoming little one. We thought we would be moving in January and so we had packed all of the baby stuff in the very back corner of the storage closet. Tom had to take every box out of the closet to get to it but it allowed us to do some much needed de-junking.
Opening the boxes of baby stuff was like Christmas morning for Ainsley. She loved rediscovering her old toys and carseat. But she reverted back for the afternoon and wanted to be treated like a baby. She found two green binkies that we got in the hospital but never used. She immediately stuck them in her mouth. She had a tantrum when we told her that she was a big girl and doesn't need binkies anymore. That night she insisted on sleeping in her crib again because I think she thought that if she slept in the crib like a baby, she could have a binky. No such luck. We won't be at all surprised if she yanks her little sibling's binky right out of their mouth and tries to suck on it. I guess she is still not fully weaned from wanting one, even after 2 years.
Tom has been busy at work. This rotation he is working in the marketing department for Automotive Electronics. They develop anything electrical that goes into your car. But Tom's project has to do with a Bosch e-bike system that is already being sold in Europe and Asia. They have asked him to do all the market research to see what it would take to bring the product to the US. It is a bike that has an electrical assist system that will help you maintain speed without having to apply as much force.
This past month Tom has gone on two business trips. One to Fort Lauderdale, FL to give a presentation about the ebike to all the VP's of Bosch. Then the following week he went to a bike tradeshow in Austin, TX to research what new things were happening in the bike industry. He saw some really cool stuff and had a great time. He is supposed to be in Germany this week to see an ebike and meet with the German marketing team, but decided not to go since it is only a week before my due date. I would never have forgiven him if he missed the birth of our baby:) He is excited to go back to Bloomington in a few weeks with Bosch for the Little 500 bike race. I wish I could go with him, but we will have family in town. We had so much fun at the Little 5 last year! Here are some pics of what the Bosch ebike looked like at a Taipei bike show.


