Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Pics

We went to Goodwill last week to look at used books. While we were there, we bought Ainsley a "Swan Lake" ballet movie that teaches little girls ballet moves. We figured it would be a great way for Ainsley to practice her ballet moves while in Germany. It is a cheesy movie, but Ainsley loves it. On this particular day, she watched it three times. She taught Ella some of the moves. It was pretty funny. They were pretty cute, dancing in the living room. Tyler and Sam just watched.

For some reason, the Christmas package my brother sent was never delivered to our door. It ended up in the apartment complex office, but they never notified us it was there. So a month late, I went looking for it. They found it, and we opened a late Christmas present. Since we've sent most of Ainsley's Christmas presents to Germany, she was really excited to get a new present. Her wonderful "Uncle" sent her three Princess Ballerinas. It combines her two favorite things, how could she not love them! Sammy loved his new stuffed animal and we loved our German phrase books and dictionary! We need to start practicing our German! Thanks again Uncle, we love you!
Loves hanging out with daddy:)
Sam is so close to crawling. He gets up on all four and rocks back and forth. He has taken a few crawls forward, but hasn't taken off yet. Tom's parents came into town this weekend to see us before we leave, hopefully he will learn how to do it while they are here.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Winders Come to Chicago!

The day after Christmas, Tom's cousin Scott and his wife Tricia came to Chicago with their kids Sydney and Owen. When we lived in Michigan, we only lived about twenty minutes away from each other. Tricia and I hung out all the time. Ainsley adores Sydney and Owen and asked to go play with them all the time. She has really missed them when we moved to Chicago. We told the Winders they should come stay with us before we left, and they finally took us up on the offer. We were so excited to have them come so we didn't spend the whole Christmas break without seeing any family:) On Monday, we took them into the city and walked around showing them the sights. We saw the Cloud Gate, Michigan Avenue, Daley Plaza Christmas tree, etc. It was cold so we bundled up and stopped for Hot Chocolate. Since the train was on the Holiday schedule, we had to leave the city early. We underestimated how packed the train would be and counted our blessings that so many things fell into place that night for us to catch the train. They weren't selling tickets at the window, but they weren't letting anyone on the train who didn't already have a ticket. Luckily I had a weekday pass with only 4 punches left in my purse from when my parents came out in October! I'm surprised I hadn't used it up before then...but it was exactly what we needed and so we were able to make it home. We totally lucked out!

The next day, we walked around the financial district, and saw the Sears tower on our way down to the Museum Complex. We spent most of the day at the Natural History Museum. First we walked through the Egypt display. Then we went to the atrium to see "Sue" who is the largest, and most complete T-Rex dinosaur ever found. The museum is so big that we split up to see different things for the rest of the time. We checked out the Native People displays and the birds of North America, while the Winders went to see the Africa display and more dinosaurs. After we met up, we caught a bus back up to the north side of the river to go to one of our favorite Chicago joints-Portillos. We had dinner and then walked back to the train station. The next morning, Tom had to go back to work but the Winders went back into the Science and Industry Museum before heading back to Michigan. It was a short trip, but it was so fun to see family. If we move back to Michigan next summer, we'll get to see them more often. That would be so fun! If not, they'll have to come visit us again in Chicago!!!

The kids loved the train ride
For our move to Germany, we bought this backpack carrier for Sam. It is a regular backpack with a zip out pocket that turns into a baby carrier. It's perfect because when we travel and sight see, Ainsley often gets tired walking. To combat the whining, we can put her in the stroller, zip out the baby carrier and stick Sam in it. He is really good when he is in it too, because he can see everything. He has yet to cry in the thing.

Owen, Sydney, and Ainsley at the Cloud Gate

The Winder Clan

Our little fam at the same spot (the base of the Wrigley building)where we took our Christmas card pic
Ainsley and Sydney take a break in the stroller

While waiting for the bus, all three kids insisted on being held. I thought it was cute

View of the city from the Museum Complex

Willis (Sears) Tower
Goodbye Chicago, we've loved living here. Thanks for all the fun memories!!! Maybe we'll be back in July as permanent residents...maybe not. We'll see what the future brings:)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas was wonderful this year! We stayed home and had a quiet Christmas with just our little family. At first we were disappointed that we didn't get to go to Utah to spend Christmas with family for the second year in the row. But it ended up being really great time. It was nice to spend Christmas at home and just relax. On Christmas Eve, we made a big Chinese dinner with lettuce wraps, wontons, egg rolls, and orange chicken. Then we had a mini devotional and discussed the Christmas story. Afterwards we bundled up, made some hot chocolate, and went on a drive to look at the Christmas lights. Then we came home, put on our pjs. We took pictures with our stockings, and set out cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer. Ainsley was so excited. She went to bed so quickly because she wanted to fall asleep before Santa got there.

On Christmas morning, we came out and opened Santa presents first. Ainsley was so excited. She had such great expressions with each new present. After she opened her presents, she helped Sam open his. He didn't really care much about his presents at first. He seemed to like the tags and paper more than the actual present. After we opened Santa gifts and gifts from each other, we made breakfast. We decided not to make either family's traditional breakfast this year and try something of our own. We made cinnamon rolls and Panera's Spinach Bacon Egg Souffles. They were delicious! It was fun. After breakfast, we skyped with Tom's family and opened up all their presents. Tom got a new camera bag and I got some baking stuff including new bread pans, silpat and a Popcorn Popper. The kids were spoiled as usual!!! After we opened presents, we quickly got dressed and went to church. After church we came home and skyped with my family and opened even more presents. The kids got spoiled again! We are so lucky to have such wonderful family who do so much for us, even when we are so far away!

Ainsley helped Sam open his gifts from Santa and us. He got a new carseat, dump truck, Disney book, cars, and Star Wars figures. He also got a lot of clothes.
Originally, Ainsley asked Santa for a "Married Girl" dress but then she switched to a "Mermaid Dress." So Santa brought her a Bride veil and shoes and an Ariel dress.
After we opened the Santa and parent gifts, we opened the packages from Utah from family
Aunt Annie gave Ainsley a new ballet leotard
Sam got a train and clothes from Aunt Annie, clothes and cars from Aunt Suey, a imitation ipod from Aunt Cami, clothes from my parents, and clothes, animals, and toys from the Reese's.
Ainsley's gifts from Santa and mom and dad: Mermaid dress, veil, shoes, Barbie clothes, Fairy book, horse and doll, clothes, pjs, doll suitcase, and camera. My parents gave Ainsley barbie clothes, Bitty baby clothes, and clothes. Reese's gave Ainsley clothes, and minature disney set that came with three princesses, princes, and

Favorite gift this year was the cash register Ainsley got from her Aunt Suey, she loved it!