I don't know how I was so lucky to be blessed with twins!! Two babies to dote on and Love is so much fun. I can't believe how much faster time goes with two babies though. Time has flown by since they were born. These two are starting to interact with each other so much and it is so much fun that they always have a friend (or enemy). We love them so much!!!
Because Leah had RSV the week of their birthday we had a pretty small celebration instead of the big party I was planning, but it was still a fun time.
Leah is a sassy little wiggle worm that can't sit still for more than 1 minute. I have been wrestling her at diaper changes for at least 3 months. Her stats at her birthday: Weight: 14 lbs 4 oz (0.27%) Height: 26.5 inches (0.44%) Head: 18.1 inches (79%) She started taking steps the week of their birthday, but she officially began walking on her birthday. She says: Hi, uh-oh, dadda, and momma. She waves, gives kisses and blows kisses. She has 2 teeth and shows them to us often with a smile or a laugh. She climbs out of her high chair every time she is put in it. She LOVES to eat table food and still doesn't love her high calorie formula. She loves water from her sippy cup though.