Saturday, July 18, 2009

More about Kelson

Well, I thought I'd fill you in on how lucky I really was in labor and delivery. I was admitted at 8:20 to get started. The pitocin bag wasn't hung until about 10:00, and I started having contractions around 10:30ish. I was pretty slow moving. When the doc checked me around 9:00 I was dialated to what he said..."a finger tip" they upped the pitocin every half hour or so. He checked me again around 1:00 and I was only dialated to a 2+, but I was about 80% effaced. So, he broke my water. I got the epidural around 2:30 (I think). Those epidurals sure are nice!! I was checked again around 4:30 and I was at 4+ so the doctor went home, and said I'll see you when they page me. Well, around 5:45 the nurse was about to go off shift so she did what she thought would be her final check. I was dialated to a 9! She decided to stay, and I was glad because she was such a fabulous nurse. So, I only pushed for about 15 minutes and Kelson was born at 6:33! It was so amazing!

Well, we came home on Friday afternoon. His biliruben levels were kinda high so we got lab orders to get his blood drawn on Saturday. Well, his level was still high on Saturday, so we had to get them checked again on Sunday. Sunday night the doctor's office called to tell us he needed to be on the lights for his jaundice. Home care brought up the lights and he stayed on them for a few days. He went to a one week check up on Wednesday, and got labs agian. Later that day we found out his levels were going back down. So we sent the lights back. He is doing good. And he is starting to get bigger. I'm so glad that my sweet mom was here to help me deal with the stress of going to town everyday. And to help around the house. It is hard, but very very worth it. Thanks mom for your help.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kelson Trevor Gardner

Kelson was born on 7/8/9. He weighed 6 lb 10 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He was born 3 weeks early. Everything went well in labor and delivery. He was having a hard time breathing at first, but he was able to get past that in his first 7 hours of life. We got to come home on 7/10/09. We are slowly adjusting, but we are starting to figure out the parenting thing.
I'll update more later, but here are some pictures of the cute little guy. (In the 2nd pic, he is wearing a hat, it's not an afro.)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


So, last night we decided to finally cut Trevor's hair, and he finally shaved! Now he doesn't look so much like a mountain man. Check it out...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My pregnant days are almost over.

Well, it seems that I may not have to wait 4 more weeks after all...
I went to the doctor on Monday and my blood pressure was high 148/90! So, when the doc measured my belly and it was only measuring 33 weeks instead of 35 weeks, he was concerned. He decided to have me do a non-stress test. The baby's heart rate dropped quite a bit below 120 for a little bit. And that also concerned him. He says... "Dr. Rogers rule number 1. It's easy to make a good baby look bad, but you can't make a bad baby look good." Mostly he is a good baby, but he was concerned about my blood pressure along with the non-stress test. So, he scheduled me to be induced Thursday, July 2nd! But to come back to see him the next day, and he would decide for sure if the baby would come that soon. So, Monday night Trevor, his dad, and his grandpa gave me a priesthood blessing. It must have been just what I needed... Tuesday I went in for my appt. and my blood pressure was down 120/70. whew! Much better. So, he did an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid. Which, the levels were all good. So, we did another non-stress test... and passed. The baby's heart rate never dropped below 130! He decided it's a good baby, but he is still a concerned enough to start me, just not this week! So, Wednesday, July 8th baby Gardner will come. Yep, my doctor is going to start me next week! I'll probably be slow to post after he gets here, but I'll try to keep you all updated!
Me at 36 weeks. Only 1 week to go!!