I'm feeling very GRATEFUL today!! The list could go on and on and on if I mentioned all the things I'm grateful for. So... I'll just mention the ones at the top of my list!
I'm so grateful for Trevor. He is such an amazing father and husband. He works so hard all the time to provide for us. He is Mr. Fix-it, occasional cook, and overly protective of me while i'm pregnant. He is the evening story book reader and loves to play chase with his boys. His testimony of the Gospel and the Savior are amazing and I just could not ask for better! LOVE HIM!!
I'm eternally grateful that my Heavenly Father trusted me enough to be a mother!! I love so much the sweet baby girl and baby boy that are not even born yet. I can't even imagine how different live will be in a few months, but I already know I wouldn't change it for anything.
I also am SO lucky to have the cutest fun-loving little boys!! They make my life stressful, hard, amusing, and wonderful! They fight, they play, and I love them unconditionally. How can you not love these sweet faces?!
I'm also very grateful for my momma!! She is an amazing example of strength. She is a great friend, loving, and so happy all the time. She is a good listening ear and I'm lucky to be her daughter.
Not only do I have a great mom, but I have the best siblings!! We all get along very well and I couldn't have asked for a better family to be raised in.
Especially grateful for the wonderful friendships my sisters and I have... I can tell them anything and ask for advice about anything... we share secrets and ideas and style. They are my dearest friends!
I married into the GREATEST family! I get along well with all of my in-laws. My father in law is an AWESOME grandpa to my children and my mother in law is so loving and a great teacher in so many ways (sewing, cooking, baking, charity etc.) Couldn't have joined a better family. Love them all!!
I am also very very thankful for the Temples and that we can all be family forever! I'm grateful for the knowledge that I can see my dad again. I am thankful for my life that I am capable of doing so many wonderful things. Thankful for my body and my home. I'm SO SO grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ that he lived and he died for me and that he suffered for my sins.
I have so many wonderful things to be grateful for!!
Enjoy Thanksgiving and remember the wonderful eternal things you are grateful for!