Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Feeling better after a night in my own bed, but there is the inevitable post-travel lethargy. Just did :30 easy.

Monday, July 11, 2016


I am completely wiped out - that was a tiring weekend (my own fault for sociable drinking in the evenings that then seriously impaired sleep quality!). Was home by lunchtime, so tired late afternoon that I almost didn't get out the door for powerlifting (but I don't think I've ever missed powerlifting just out of inertia, sometimes I have a conflict and sometimes I'm sick but really it's my favorite thing, would be utterly self-defeating not to go!). Cabbed it down and had what was then a very good workout, tho with some modifications to weight. Was set to run at least part of the way home but I set out walking and just couldn't motivate to speed up, that's OK, I'm going to count it as a run just for once.

Deadlift: 3 x 10 @ 161 (had 200 on the board, tried 181 but though it was going up OK I could tell I JUST DIDN'T HAVE IT IN ME - still a good set)
Tempo deadlift: 3 x 3 @ 111 (5 seconds up and down)
100 single-arm row each side (did 10 with 42.5 and 20 with 37.5 but really that was still heavier than Josh meant and I switched down to 27.5 for the rest)
100 abs
4 x 10 goblet squats @ 17.5

1hr lower body
1.5hr walk (5.2mi)

Sunday, July 10, 2016


1hr easy. Bit of a weird weekend, pretty inertial with much napping and general holing up in cave-type bedroom (I am very prone to this), but happy to have done my three runs as suggested. Home tomorrow, don't think I will be up early enough here to run before I leave so will have to make sure it happens later in the day in NYC (along with powerlifting - and an acquaintance of mine is giving a reading from her new book near Chelsea Piers at 7, I would quite like to go to that if I could)....

Saturday, July 9, 2016


I was very lazy and inertial, but didn't actively NOT feel like running, just passive, so I dragged myself out of nap in the late afternoon and got out for a true quality session! It is rare the terrain at a random conference hotel is so u niquely suited to the particular workout on hand - this Quincy Marriott is on a sort of a bluff in the middle of an industrial park with a very decent sidewalk leading up the long hill up to the hotel.

:20 easy, then 4 x (2:00 hill, 1:00 hill, :30 hill). About 1hr total. Woo-hoo!

Note to self - much less back soreness than I have had in recent weeks. The obvious difference - I spent no time on a computer at a desk today. Must limit desk time (I can easily work in bed instead!) and see if this helps...

Friday, July 8, 2016


The news this week has been making me sick to my stomach - waking up this morning to the Dallas coverage was the last straw. I was a state yesterday morning for completely idiotic personal reasons - stress at upcoming travel mostly (especially when I am trying to eat clean and drink infrequently, four nights in a hotel at a science fiction convention is seriously contraindicated!), and anxiety about when I will start working properly on book stuff.

When I checked in last night, the clerk looked at me very dubiously when I asked about possible running routes, especially a route I could take on foot to a trail or park or similar - then he brightened and said, "You can run around the industrial park!" But actually it's not at all bad - I just had a really nice 40 minutes (the weather is significantly cooler today), and already in the taxi coming in yesterday I spotted a hill that will be PERFECT for the workout Coach David suggested for tomorrow. I think exercise may have given me fortitude for human contact! There is a quite reasonable little gym and pool too, but I couldn't lay hands on goggles at the last minute (I did pack bathing suit) - one of Brent's friends has some he might trade off to me if we are not swimming at the same time, it's certainly a possibility...

:40 run!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Warm run

Hot and hazy out there, and I need to leave for the airport in forty-five minutes - legs tapped out from squatting - can't say I really enjoyed that. But I was in a horrible mood at the beginning and I don't feel so low now, and also I saw a cormorant diving for fish, so certainly it is better to have done it than not!

1hr very slow

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Ah, that was good. I didn't run beforehand, needed to save legs, but friend Lauren was here and had a tempo run workout so we set up on adjacent treadmills. Did about :40, 2mi. (Not going to make a habit of counting a walk as a run for the purpose of 100 in 100 days but today I am going to allow it as legitimate as it was in the good cause of maximizing subsequent workout!) Then a very good hour with Josh. Still elevating heels, still focusing on those useful cues - going to get a pair of Olympic weightlifting shoes to see if we can get the raised-heel effect that way instead, it seems very helpful for not folding towards the front.

5 x 3 squat with bar + chains (20lb each)
safety squat bar: 4 x 10

Then did tomorrow's bench work set as I will be in Boston: 4 x 10 @ 65, 85, 85, 85. Good set!

:40 walk (counted as run)
1hr strength

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Just worked up to a few heavy singles. I haven't deadlifted for a while and have fallen into a bad habit with the "hitch," which would lead to disqualification at a meet - did a couple with hitch at 240 and then switched out 10s for 5s for a couple less hitch-y ones at 230. I am ready to make some strength gains, but the next eight months or so are going to be completely erratic in terms of training, so I think I had better reconcile myself in advance to mostly staying in the same place and perhaps improving technique!

c. 50min strength (heavy singles, plus 3 x 10 front squat with kettlebell @ 18lb)


Just did :30 easy instead of hill workout as we are (anomalously) deadlifting later and I am squatting with Josh tomorrow morning - back still very tight and I need to save it for lifting! Will adjust other runs this week as appropriate. Spending Thursday through Monday at a science fiction convention just outside Boston, preliminary research suggests that it's one of these hotels marooned on a highway where there are no sidewalks to get to a real running place....

:30 easy

Monday, July 4, 2016


Ah, that was good - I hate these holiday weekends, the library is closed and there is no powerlifting, but though the gym was due to close early there was still a limited class schedule, and I rode downtown for 5:30 yoga. Very nice!

10mi easy bike
1hr yoga


If nothing else, I am hoping I can look back on this summer and say "That was the summer I finally really and truly made myself into a daily runner." Lungs still rather junky, but the weather is beautiful - when is the humidity EVER this low in NYC over 4th of July weekend?

:30 easy

Sunday, July 3, 2016

JMD v. lungs...

Actually count it a win. They were raw-ish by the 1hr mark but I figured I'd just finish it out anyway. More troublesome were sore hamstring and BACK, but it is still a victory: I ran/jogged everything but Cat's Hill (back really needed a break by then), using lungs rather than back soreness as gauge. Gotta do something about this sore back, it's plaguing me!

1:33 total (my house to park, then full loop, walked home off the clock)

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Ugh, this lung situation won't go away! I didn't go downtown to lift Thursday afternoon as I was feeling pretty poorly, and it was clear yesterday that though lungs had moved from the very painful tight tender stage to the stage known as "full of junk" that they would really prefer me NOT to run. Today, though, I felt like I just couldn't do without it, so I did my :45 easy and will hope that tomorrow morning I'm in reasonable shape for a Central Park loop. Ready for this stupid ailment to be gone!

:45 easy

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Ugh, this cold may have only been 50% virulent but it is still proceeding through the predictable unpleasant stages - woke up to find it was LUNG day, mucus running wild and itchy and making me fantasize about sticking a pencil down my throat to scratch alveoli! Anyway just did :30 easy, it's another beautiful day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


With fireflies - it's that time of year....

I had hoped to do a longer one, but I still have this cold and lungs are a bit dodgy, kept it at :40 easy. Very nice too - much less humid than it was earlier, very beautiful running at sunset along the water.

:40 easy