Heads up and check this out.
D.C. Grace, the brilliant mind behind the phenomenal Amethyst Dragon trilogy, is here to share a bit of "art imitating life" with a VERY special interview.
We all know that many writers find inspiration from real life experiences and the people that have influenced or impacted their lives in some way. So today, we're finding out just who inspired one of our favorite characters from The Amethyst Dragon series- AND we're giving YOU the insider's exclusive to one incredible story of true love. A story to withstand the tests of time.
Who is this mystery man? And who did he inspire? Well, we wanted to know this and all the juicy bits, SO, as the inquiring minds that we are, we asked, and D.C. dished.
Sit back and get ready to see how their real life story unfolds and gave birth to the most amazing characters and an unforgettable and magical journey...
Sit back and get ready to see how their real life story unfolds and gave birth to the most amazing characters and an unforgettable and magical journey...
Tsk, Tsk: Thanks so much for joining us, D.C.. It's always a pleasure to host you, but today is really special, and we're excited to be able to share something so personal and well, inspiring, with our readers.
So let's get right down to it, shall we?
So let's get right down to it, shall we?
DC: Ready when you are!
T: Well, first, for any new followers, please tell us a bit about the series. Where did the idea for The Amethyst Dragon come from?
DC: The idea actually came from some artwork in a pack of faery cards. The imagery inspired the character we now know as Tryamon, and everything fell into place from there.
The Amethyst Dragon series is about Dade Blue-Therror, Prince of the Seelie Court, and his rise to the throne with his mortal Chuisle, Shelby.
The Amethyst Dragon series is about Dade Blue-Therror, Prince of the Seelie Court, and his rise to the throne with his mortal Chuisle, Shelby.
T: Who IS our Mystery Man? And who did he inspire?
DC: So yea, the "mystery man" is Craig, who actually inspired the character of Marshall... and is now my boyfriend. *insert cheesy grin here*
Craig aka "D.C.'s Marshall"
"Our Marshall"
T: Was Marshall a central character from the beginning?
DC: Yes, I knew early on that Marshall was both central and vital to the series plotline.
T: Is Craig the best parts of Marshall, or does he embody the whole of Marshall's character?
DC: Oh, tough question! Actually, Marshall reflects the best of Craig. When I created Marshall, I gave him Craig's moral fiber and character. In high school, Craig was the embodiment of the "all-American football hero". He was an all-around good guy, and that's who Marshall needed to be. It was very easy to carry over to our now beloved hero.
T: How did you meet? Was it love at first sight?
DC: We actually met in kindergarten. I only really loved Donny Osmond and Barbies then. Hahaha! But in middle and high school, yes, I had a crush.
T: How incredibly sweet. He obviously made a lasting impression. And now several years later... Craig has been immortalized in one of our absolute favorite of your characters. Does he know? And what does he think about it all?
DC: Yes, he knows, though I didn't tell him at first. That's not exactly first date conversation - hey, I created a character based on you in my series. Can you pass the salt? Hahaha!
Seriously, though, Craig is an incredibly humble man. He was very shocked and flattered. And now... wait for it... he's a big Marshall fan!
Seriously, though, Craig is an incredibly humble man. He was very shocked and flattered. And now... wait for it... he's a big Marshall fan!
T: Just slightly awkward. He should be flattered. Really, how could he not be a Marshall fan? He's straight up AWESOMESAUCE!
*ok fangirling over*
And now you've found each other again? How did that happen?
*ok fangirling over*
And now you've found each other again? How did that happen?
DC: Yes, after all these years, the power of social media brought us together. Thank you, Facebook!
We were friends on Facebook for awhile, but then one day we just started talking, and it grew from there.
We were friends on Facebook for awhile, but then one day we just started talking, and it grew from there.
T: Does it seem weird or awkward to be in a relationship with someone that was so instrumental in completing your fantasy world?
T: Does it seem weird or awkward to be in a relationship with someone that was so instrumental in completing your fantasy world?
DC: Loaded question, haha! No, it really isn't. In all honesty, at first I was nervous. I mean, this was before he knew. But then I got to know him, and everything I knew and/or thought I knew about Craig that went into the character of Marshall was/is true. How can you not love a man like that?
T: How indeed. *we feel another SWOON coming on*
Does it ever feel like your living the fantasy?
Does it ever feel like your living the fantasy?
DC: It's pretty easy to separate fact from fiction. Craig is real. Marshall is just a compilation of memories and imaginings I had of him years ago. But I'll say this - it's easy to pull the fantasy card if I want to! Hahaha!
T: Ha! Tricky, tricky.Most people know we're all friends, and of course we chat, so Craig has been mentioned a time or two in our conversations... as a friend and great companion. When did you discover he was so much more? *eyebrow wagging*
DC: That's a story I'm keeping to myself... though it may turn up in my next book. Time will tell...
T: Well played... Name one thing you love about both Craig and Marshall (they can be two separate)...
DC: That's easy. It's a character trait they both share - devotion. They're both devoted to the people they love, and will go to any lengths to protect and take care of them.
T: What is something that bugs you about both? (:
T: What is something that bugs you about both? (:
DC: See, now you're just trying to get me in trouble! Hahaha! But again, it's a shared trait - they don't give themselves enough credit.
T: We do our best. Haha! *cheeky grins* And again with the humble. Gotta love that.
Did your love influence how Marshall's life was to be carried out? Were there events that sparked a shift in direction, or was his path clear all along?
Did your love influence how Marshall's life was to be carried out? Were there events that sparked a shift in direction, or was his path clear all along?
DC: First, let me say no, I wasn't Shelby to his Marshall in high school, haha! I was fond of Craig when I wrote the books - that deepened during the creation of the last book, but it didn't change the character's course. I knew what I wanted for Marshall from the beginning. And without giving spoilers for the last book, I knew ultimately only his shoulders could carry the burden in store. Marshall's based on a very strong, intense man!
T: Has Craig read all the books? And is he a fan?
DC: Craig actually went back into Dragon Wings after I told him about Marshall, and started rereading all "his" parts! Hahaha! I love it. And he is without a doubt my biggest supporter.
T: That is so cool and funny. What a wonderful feeling to know you have the full support of those you care about the most.
The Amethyst Dragon trilogy is elegant and intricate. Was it difficult wrapping up the series, or did everything go as planned?
The Amethyst Dragon trilogy is elegant and intricate. Was it difficult wrapping up the series, or did everything go as planned?
DC: The hardest thing I've ever done was write "the end" at Faery Rings conclusion. Everything fell into place, but it was hard to say goodbye. Of course, we'll still see key players, including Marshall, in The Legacy Chronicles!
*Shelley sobs*
T: Has any part of the story changed how your view your life or your future?
T: Has any part of the story changed how your view your life or your future?
DC: Writing is very therapeutic. In creating Dade's wisdom and views on life, yes, I was also reinforcing my own. My future? Craig's changing that.
T: Pretty profound thoughts.
For those that haven't comsumed it yet, what can the reader expect from the third and final book of The Amethyst Dragon trilogy?
For those that haven't comsumed it yet, what can the reader expect from the third and final book of The Amethyst Dragon trilogy?
DC: Expect the unexpected. I promise all the loose ends will be tied up and all questions will be answered. We even revisit some blasts from the past, so to speak! But no, you won't expect what I have in store for them. *evil author grin*
T: And speaking of the final book - FAERY RINGS, just released this month. We've, of course, already devoured it. It was beautiful and somewhat bittersweet. And frankly, we aren't ready to say goodbye to these characters and the fabulous world you created. What do your fans have to look forward to? Is this really the end?
DC: This is not the end! The legend will continue this winter with a four book series, The Legacy Chronicles! The next generation of dragon Fae come of age, alongside everyone's favorite Amethyst Dragon characters.
T: Anything else you would like to share?
DC: Just to say I hope everyone enjoys Faery Rings, and that everyone gets a little something they were hoping for in its pages.
And yes, sometimes faery tales do come true!
And yes, sometimes faery tales do come true!
T: Thank you so much for giving us this treat. *holds hand to ear* Can you hear all the girls swooning? Readers, could you love Marshall and this story anymore? We think not. Get out and grab the books and be ready to be swept away. This is a tale for the ages. Truly very special. And one we'll never forget.
Check below for the deets on D.C., and where to buy all of her books. ♡ K&S
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