I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I have been chosen to be part of Melly’s brand new Design Team at Dream Valley Challenges. I shall be posting my first card this Sunday 27th. The first challenge will run for just a week but thereafter fortnightly on alternate Sundays. We have some great sponsors lined up so PLEASE pop back on Sunday and see if you can tickle our fancy with your creation, and I promise this first one is easy peasy just to get you all in the mood. I have put a brand new blogroll up so if you fancy seeing who else is in the team just scroll down until you reach the Dream Valley badge and click on the blogs you find there.
Don’t forget to pop back here on Sunday to check out the first post for this new team.
I am doubly excited today as I also had an email out of the blue from Heidi at The ABC Challenge to ask if I wanted a spot on the team. Sadly someone had to drop out and she asked if I would like to take her place…. well would I? Of course I would!!!!
Please check out the B team at ABC in my blogroll. There are two teams the A Team (cue silly music) and the B Team and we take it in turns on alternate weeks to meet the challenge set for that current week. As usual each week will be based on a letter, and the first challenge I am involved with is O is for …… Each week’s offering will be on that letter until both teams have shared their creations and then the third week will be the next letter for two weeks and so on. Hope I didn’t lose you, lol. The challenges will be posted up every Wednesday.
I shall be posting my O is for directly after this post, although of course the way the blog works it will appear before it.