Monday, October 31, 2011

31 for 21: This is the face

of Down syndrome.
Does it get any cuter?!

Maybe it gets a little bit cuter with his sister in the picture :)

{ pictures taken at Fotofly, head swapping and bruise editing done at home ;) }

Sunday, October 30, 2011

31 for 21: Witches

We headed down to Gardner Village to see the witches last week. 
{Along with a billion other kiddies - seriously way too crowded!}
We hadn't been in two years because the last time we were there, Piper was terrified of all the witches. She was lovin' it this year.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

31 for 21: Come on Down!

"I'll bid $751, Bob."
And I win the inflatable furniture set!
{my shirt says "PLINKO or Bust}

I needed a last minute costume for a church activity last night... thank you again, Pinterest :)
{most of the kids thought I was an alarm clock - oh how they're missing out if they've never been home from school sick, and watched The Price is Right!}

Friday, October 28, 2011

31 for 21: Apples

Max really likes apples. And it's one of the few signs he knows. Double bonus.

{playing blog catch up - the bruised forehead is looking much better these days}

Sometimes he just licks it for awhile...

Piper also likes apples. But likes making crazy faces even more.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

31 for 21: Did he really just do that?

I was cleaning up broken glass (from the mirror that Max had just shattered all over the bedroom floor and toys) when Max climbed up on a toy bin, climbed into his crib, grabbed his binky and a blanket, and laid down.
You better believe I hit the lights and high-tailed it out of there. He's now asleep. Seriously. He just put  himself down for a nap. Was there a full moon last night?!

{more pictures coming soon - it's been a crazy couple of days}

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

31 for 21: School for Max

So excited.
I finally got the call to start Max in 'structured play' through our early intervention program. From what I've been told this will help him transition to preschool. So it's like pre-preschool :)
He starts November 7th, twice a week, for an hour. I can't wait.
And the best part is that they have a two-way mirror so I can watch if I want, without disrupting the class.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

31 for 21: Katherine, It's Not You - It's Him :)

As I posted last week, our friend, Katherine, took family pictures for us a week and a half ago or so. Max cried the whole time. Well, more like screamed. Not sure if she got anything even worth photoshopping. I am actually kind of looking forward to a snotty nosed crying toddler in the family picture. That is real life afterall. Along with the bruised forehead pictured here. We weren't sure what set him off. He knows Katherine. And he's not usually afraid of strangers anyway. And I take pictures of him all the time, with and without a flash. So he's not afraid of a camera.

Anyway, my mom decided she would like pictures with the grandkids, and since we had the outfits all matched up, we decided we would try again. I thought about just doing something in the backyard, but this kiddo is too fast and doesn't like to sit still, even for 20 seconds. I didn't think I could do it alone. So this time we thought we'd try something different, indoors at FotoFly. Thinking maybe that would help Max feel comfortable. Nope. He is not laughing in this picture, he is angry.

Despite all the crying, we did somehow get a few happy smiley shots. I'll post them soon, after I get done head-swapping a few more :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

31 for 21: Photographing Fall; part 3

Whew - done with the fall pic editing.

Told ya there'd be fall picture overload ;)
And as we took a Sunday drive yesterday, most of the leaves had fallen or were just brown and dull. Amazing the difference a week makes.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

31 for 21: Advocating for Sophia

This is baby Sophia. And she has a mother who is infatuated with her. Small problem. Baby Sophia is in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. Megan, who has committed to be her mom, is in California.
It takes a TON of money to adopt, domestically or internationally. It kills me how difficult the process is. We adopted domestically and almost threw in the towel on a number of occasions because, money aside, it just isn't an easy process. So worth it in the end, but you can't always see that far ahead.
Megan is only asking for $1 - yes, just one dollar towards her adoption fund. Every dollar counts. If you can help, please go to Megan's blog and donate. Or donate to her adoption fund directly on the Reece's Rainbow website by clicking HERE.

Friday, October 21, 2011

31 for 21: Blog Hop

Welcome :) October is Down Syndrome Awareness month!
We want to support all those that rock that extra chromosome with a blog hop on the 21st!

The more people that participate, the more people become aware of the beautiful designer gene world of Down Syndrome.

31 for 21: Ouch!

Max tripped in the kitchen yesterday; fell right into the corner of the wall. I've never seen a goose egg get this big in 4 seconds.  This picture doesn't even do it justice. It was huge. After a few hours it was looking more bruised, but less swollen. Today it's much more purple (but no black eyes!). Poor kiddo.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

31 for 21: Pumpkin Patch

A little family outing to Mabey's Pumpkin Patch last night.

Max was lovin' the freedom out of the stroller. Daddy was on chase duty.

Piper finally found her perfect pumpkin!

Cool peach one, huh?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

31 for 21: Photographing Fall; Part 2

Piper was really into jumping off all the rocks that day.

Max kept looking around to see if he was missing anything.

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