Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How to Make a "Better-than-New" Pair of Recycled Flats

If you had a chance to read my last blog post,  I mentioned  I was just getting warmed up.  After experiencing how easy I altered the handbag, I immediately started looking for other items on hand I could transform!  Shoes was the next logical experiment and, I happen to have a "small" collection to choose from. 

This pair have seen better days (ya think?)   Since they were one step short of the trash bin, I thought there was nothing to lose.

Before (pretty ratty heh?)

This is a beginner project and requires very little time, talent or supplies.  

Here's all you need (minus the brayer):

1.  I covered the shoes with one coat of Golden liquid acrylic paint (titanium white) - you could also use a Folk Art paint (often available at the dollar store for a buck or two)

2.  You will need two sheets of Craft Attitude (available on-line at

3.  Print your pattern using an inkjet printer on to the Craft Attitude sheets and remove the backing.

4.  Liberally apply glue to the shoe - and I mean liberally.  Don't scrimp on the glue people!

5.  Place the translucent film over the shoe, lining it up to make sure it cover as much as the shoe as possible.

6.  Using your fingers smooth out the Craft Attitude beginnning at the toe and working around to the sides.  If you misalign it, you can lift it up again and reapply.  It isn't that stressful!  You have plenty of working time.  The glue doesn't dry quickly and the film is sturdy and it is also a little stretchy and will 'move' 2-3 mm if you are out by a smidge.

7.  Take your scissors and roughly cut out the area that is surplus that is laying over the opening in the shoe.  (You will need this to finish the back of the shoe.)   Cut out around the sole of the shoe in a similar fashion.   

8.  Using an x-acto knife, make your fine cuts to finish off the edges using the lines of the shoe and sole as your guide.  With a sharp blade, a ten year old can manage this easily.

That's it!  If you are doing this for the very first time, it may take up to an hour to finish both shoes.  I have a bit of experience so I completed the project in under 30 minutes.  Yes. Half an hour. 

After shots: 

How easy was that?  

It took me much longer to complete this blog post than it did to transform these beat up shoes into a better than new pair of shoes!  And, even though I am not a 'matchy-matchy' person, I just may throw on a white shirt, a pair of jeans and break into a new 'coordinated' look!   

Thanks for reading!  I am half way through my next pair of recycled shoes and will be back to share my musings early next week!